My husband is not a murderer, I guarantee it, but his sister in law put him in prison for 20 years! The night Mladen Ilkić (78) was killed in Vrdnik, in April 2017, my Slobodan was the first to work and immediately returned home. He was convicted without evidence, only on the basis of the statement of his then lover Snezana Ilkic. That woman sent him to prison and ruined our lives, says Brankica Sladojević of Sremska Mitrovica.
Her husband Slobodan (30), that is, began an extramarital affair with Snezana four years ago, but left her after a few months, not suspecting that she would brutally take revenge on him for that, says Brankica. Shortly after the breakdown of that relationship, on the night of April 5-6, 2017, Snezana’s cousin Mladen was murdered in his home, and she was arrested as an accessory. Snezana then told the police that on the fateful night, about half an hour after midnight, he was guarding Mladen’s house in Vrdnik, and that Slobodan strangled and robbed him!
Sladojevic, they say, was unable to regain a sense of shock when he was arrested. However, since there was no evidence against him, he was convinced that he would be acquitted in court, but he was seriously misled. The judges did not care that he had a solid alibi, nor that the experience of the telephone showed that he did not leave Sremska Mitrovica. The judges didn’t care that no biological trace of Slobodan was found at the crime scene, even though it was the DNA of an unknown man! To make matters even more shocking, Snezana later admitted in court that she had falsely accused Slobodan, but the court, from all the evidence, only believed her first statement and sent Sladojevic to prison. Snezana’s sentence was reduced from ten to five years.
Slobodan’s wife, Brankica, says they did not believe her in court when she gave her husband an alibi.
“They thought she was protecting him as a wife, but she was really telling the truth. That night, three and a half years ago, Slobodan worked part-time as a security guard at Knox nightclub until almost one after midnight, in a party, and all the time there they were filming surveillance cameras. He came home around 1.15. I remember it well, because our daughter was eight or nine months old at the time and she was a little sick. She would wake up constantly and cry as well I was awake with her in bed. Slobodan came home, I heard him open the door and park the car in the yard. I also saw him come into the room. He lit a cigarette, smoked and went to bed. He got up. around six in the morning and he went to work at the hospital, where he worked as an ambulance driver, “recalls Brankica.
He adds that Slobodan behaved quite normally in the following days, then was suddenly arrested on April 12, 2017.
“I was surprised, I just knew what the lawyer was about. When I found out that they arrested him for murder, I laughed in shock, because I knew Slobodan couldn’t do something like that,” says Brankica.
According to her, she was unable to visit her husband in custody for the next three months because he was a witness in court.
“When I finally saw him arrested, I cried. It was very difficult for me … However, we were convinced that everything would be clarified during the trial and that he would be released. I was in all the trials, listening carefully to everything and making sure that there really is no evidence against Slobodan, except that woman’s statement. But when he was convicted … Shock! I know he is not guilty, and they put him in 20 years, “says Brankica.
When asked if he knew Slobodan was in a relationship with Snezana, he told us that he found out only after the arrest.
“I found out from the newspaper that he was in a relationship with her … I don’t know what to tell you, I forgave him for that fraud, but when Slobodan gets out of jail, we’ll discuss it … I didn’t know that girl, but then I heard that she is prone to lies and cheating. It is not normal. It is clear to everyone that she wanted revenge on my Slobodan because he broke up with her. I also heard that after their breakup she tried to call me and tell me about their relationship, just to that Slobodan left, “says Brankica, barely holding back tears.
His last hope, he says, is to appeal the violation of legality to the Supreme Court of Cassation, which could possibly order a new trial. Meanwhile, Slobodan will not be guilty or required to serve a sentence in Nova Skela Prison. If Snezana still does not want to know who actually killed Mladen, perhaps one day the DNA trace of a still unknown man, which was found on the rope with which the old man was tied, will indicate so.

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