
Photo: AMSS Printscreen, Shutterstock.
Journalist and writer Jelica Greganović wrote an article on the occasion of the arrival of a large number of our citizens from abroad to Serbia due to the upcoming holidays. The author is outraged, because it gives the impression that our people living abroad do not seem to care that the third and very strong wave of coronavirus is underway in Serbia, and that the arrival of large numbers of people can only worsen the already difficult situation.
We are broadcasting your article in its entirety:
“To introduce myself according to the text that follows and thus give me an alibi. I am a guest worker in temporary work in my homeland. However, I did not become a guest worker for economic reasons, but for emotional reasons. I did not know that I married a foreigner , nor that part of However, only I lived outside of Serbia for more than twenty years, gave birth to three children there, worked there, and even granted myself citizenship, which is also not irrelevant for my subsequent presentation.

At one point, I even moved from that foreign country to an even more foreign one. So, I know what it means to long for the homeland, I know how much parents, friends, kajmak, concerts, homeland, houses, ajvar, cafes, theaters, streets, chicharrones, godparents, rivers, parks, buildings, books, cheese, fame, dry . meat and even dried plums, villages, neighbors, bakery burek, jokes, cities, songs, trees, cafes, apricots that have a drop of honey and that everyone around you speaks Serbian. I know what the desire is to come to Serbia, because I wanted it so much.
But I cannot accept that because of that wish I have to come to Serbia right now, in the midst of the peak of the biggest wave of the epidemic, which Serbia is surviving. You can tell me what you want or think what you want about my opinion, but I think it is arrogant and irresponsible, it will not be that someone’s nostalgia is more valuable than someone else’s and life itself.
And as for the fact that you have to come to your land just for Easter, Christmas or New Years, I don’t remember that by Easter 1999, when Serbia was bombed, there were columns on the border and hundreds of thousands of people who would. . in the homeland they had to celebrate the aforementioned festival. Where then was that compulsion that is now mentioned with the desire to come to Serbia? Or it was clearer then that he could die, but now. It will be that death and problems were seen more clearly then, so that no one from the outside had the desire and the compulsion.

I came to Serbia immediately after the bombing, due to my work and family situation. There were still police and the army with long pipes at the border. But there was not a column of guest workers who wanted to see what remains of their homeland and who cannot do without it. So I really can’t swallow this current compulsion. Besides the fact that obviously none of the guest workers are thinking about where they will go with them if they get sick, because there is no room for locals either. Do you think that if they have symptoms they will prolong the waiting times for tests, and now they have been measuring for hours? Are there places for them in hospitals, are there beds, respirators? Do you think of doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel who have fallen for months due to illness and fatigue? Or they just think about how to escape being locked up in the foreign they live in, how to have fun like they can’t, so who’s alive as dead.
If someone thinks that it is easy for me to write like that, because I am in Serbia, I can only write to them that now is the most difficult thing in my life. I am in Serbia, but my children are abroad. I’ve only seen them twice this year. Although I am a citizen of Slovenia, where they live. The story of how citizens should be able to enter their country, in an emergency situation, is not exactly business as usual.
Take me, for example, I am, as I said, a citizen of Slovenia. In the time between the two waves of the epidemic, I was able to enter Slovenia, where I have children and property. At that time, Serbia was on the green list to enter Slovenia, which meant that only those who were included in the state decree could enter. Everyone else from Serbia, regardless of citizenship, was still unable to cross the Slovenian border. I, your citizen, was generously allowed to enter and stay in Slovenia for forty-eight hours. Which was great, because I know Slovenians and they are for real, not as guest workers, who could only enter their land one day. So much for having to.

That is what I wanted to write. From here, from the village near Kragujevac, where when everything is added, taken away and recapitulated, I will spend most of this year. Because of the epidemic. Thankful to have a place to escape from Belgrade and to be able to work from home. From what I hear in the alleys, the nearby city is already awash with Austrian license plates. Ours have arrived. I can only address them and all those who are to come with words of welcome, only that we still need you. ”
(Kurir.rs/Blic Woman)

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