When the ex-husband found out that he had a new partner and was pregnant again, THE HORROR BEGAN


Đurđica Vesić, an employee at the University Children’s Clinic in Tirsova, has not seen her son for months after divorcing her ex-husband, although there is a court ruling that the child belongs to the mother.

Until May, Đurđica only saw her son occasionally, and since September she has been unable to establish contact with her ex-husband or son.

After parting, he sent her messages, even leaving a letter threatening to gather evidence of “what a mother she is.”

photo: Print screen

– I left him, by the way, and we got divorced because of his pathological jealousy and because of his aggressive behavior. We had a correct relationship until I continued with my life, I found an extramarital partner with whom I now live and until the man found out that I was pregnant. Then hell begins because he didn’t bring our son (5) back when he took him, and he was supposed to do it the next day. That was May 4. Since then, all the agony has begun. I immediately called the police, who said they would go out into the field to take the child and return it to the mother. Then they told another story, which would come and bring him back in front of the Social Work Center. Then I went to the police in person and told them everything, so they scheduled a return with the Social Work Center, where he arrived with the child and refused to return him, says the inconsolable Đurđica.

Several months have passed since then, many complaints and lawsuits have been filed, but the problem persists.

– He also published a video on the networks where you can see that the child is very mentally ill, where the child is crying and saying that “he will not go to Đurđica’s house.” I listened to the boy briefly from time to time. By his behavior, I saw that he was literally waiting for what we could say to me and answer if he missed me, if he loved me. I haven’t seen him for three months, I haven’t heard him since September, Đurđica says.

She saw her son for the last time on September 24, on his birthday.

– From the social father, they wrote a telegram to bring the child. He brought it, he was with us and again he did not want to leave. The boy was torn apart, scared, he was not allowed to say anything to me without first looking at his father. I have not seen my son since. The court has not yet announced, socially there have been complaints that the father has a bad influence on the child, that he has alienated the child from the mother, that he has violated parental authority …

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However, to date, the court has not taken any action, despite said report.

– My father gave me a phone number that supposedly is that of a child, but whenever I call it is not available and no one answers the other phones I have. Now I don’t even have communication with the child – Đurđica Vesić concluded.

photo: Print screen


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