When she took them in her arms, she was in shock, and her husband couldn’t utter a WORD


Stacey Omirin, 30, gave birth to two boys within minutes of each other, and her appearance surprised both doctors and parents.

I mean, even though both Stacey and her husband are dark skinned, one of the boys, when they named David, was born with white skin and golden hair! His brother Daniel, on the other hand, has become dad and mom and has dark hair and skin.

It turned out that David has albinism and that he is the cause of this unusual phenomenon.

According to his mother, twins are a real attraction wherever they appear and everyone asks who his son is.

– When I tell them they’re both mine, they think I’m joking. And I understand them because I was surprised myself when I saw them. When the doctor told me that my children were not identical, I did not know what he meant. But when he carried them into my arms and when I saw the difference in hair and skin color, I couldn’t believe it. Until the moment of his birth, he did not know that they were so different – said this Nigerian mother, reports the “Daily Mail”.

She added that she called her husband, who was also speechless when he saw their children.

– I could not believe what I was watching. They are both so irresistible that I feel like they gave me a miracle. I’ve never seen anything like this in Nigeria. The two look like brothers, but with completely different hair and skin – said the proud mother.

kurir.rs/ daily mail

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Author: delivery courier
