When she told him that they did not understand his question, he asked her to come with him.


The father of the girl (13) from nearby Novi Sad, who was sexually harassed by JA (37) from Kać, said his daughter was grieving for days after the event, was shaken and could not sleep.

According to the TG interlocutor, he knew the suspect from before and decided to hire him to do the heating work. He points out that he only heard words of praise about him.

– He worked at our house on Saturdays and Sundays. On Monday, October 5, he tried to rape my daughter. We didn’t leave my daughter alone with him for the weekend, but my wife briefly left the house for lunch on Monday and I wasn’t there. When the woman left the house, JA entered the room where my daughter was and invited her to show her some onions in the pipes – the girl’s father, who is only 13 years old, started the conversation.

The girl said she didn’t understand that, but the suspect, according to her father, still asked to go with him.

– When she started to enter the room, he attacked her. She is strong and managed to dodge and kidnap. During the following days, he was by my side the whole time and he only trusted me. At that time he was on sick leave – explained the interlocutor.

The parents reported everything to the police, and on that occasion they were told that it was the first time that the suspect had committed such an act.

As previously confirmed by the Novi Sad Basic Prosecutor’s Office, the suspect was questioned on October 7 and his arrest was later ordered.

– On October 7, 2020, this Prosecutor’s Office received a criminal complaint from the Police Department of Novi Sad PS Titel against JA (37) for the crime of sexual harassment, and the suspect J. A, after the hearing, was put in preventive prison. of said crime.

The arrest, they added, was lifted on October 12. A restraining order has been imposed.

– And at the proposal of this Prosecutor’s Office to determine the measure that prohibits approaching the victim. The Court of First Instance of Novi Sad, by ruling of October 12, 2020, imposed a measure that prohibits the suspect from approaching, meeting and communicating at a minimum distance of 200 meters, with the obligation to report to the police every month – previously announced.


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Author: delivery courier
