When relatives notice THIS in the patient, immediately at the DOCTOR


The director of the Institute of Oncology and Radiology at the Serbian Clinical Center, Danica Grujicic, discovered the first symptoms of a brain tumor.

Dr. Grujicic says about the increase in the number of oncology patients due to the crown, so they are waiting to inform the doctor:

“The trust of both the GP and the medicine must be restored, the Internet is a great thing, but there is a lot of nonsense where people who do not have medical knowledge tell falsehoods.”

photo: pink print screen

What are waiting lists?

“The wait for chemotherapy is 12 to 34 days, and for operations less than a month,” explained the doctor.

Flu and corona shock?

“We spent 100 vaccinations on the first day. People realize that they can help. Regarding the opening of covid hospitals, everything is going according to plan. If we did not have state hospitals, we would have a worse situation than in Italy.”

What is the first symptom, what is it that generates suspicions that we should report to oncology?

“When it comes to brain tumors, there are fine psychological changes that can be noticed by relatives, those who know someone well. When someone starts telling jokes that are not characteristic of him at all, when he behaves in a way that is not It is his own, when he manifests traits that were never an integral part of his personality, at that moment the first diagnosis must be made. Unfortunately this does not happen, it is usually interpreted that someone had a death, and got into a fight with his wife.

Dr. Nestorović mentioned that baking soda can cure cancer.

“I don’t think I said it, but the baking soda room has its positive properties, with stomach acid, etc. There are many substances in nature that can help. Peppermint tea, chamomile when your stomach hurts … But you never know has done no study why we drink it because that is how they teach us … ”, says Dr. Grujicic in the morning announcement of Prva TV and adds that there are drugs that are the product of research, but they help some and not others.

photo: RTS print screen

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Author: delivery courier
