WHEN HE SAW WHAT HE DID, HE HIT HIS HEAD ON THE FLOOR NEXT TO A BLOODY BODY: Confession of a grandfather whose minor grandson stabbed his father for € 50 (PHOTO)


The young man told his version of events, expert reports were ordered and the investigation will determine what exactly happened on September 2, when the minor, at night, inflicted fatal knife wounds on his father in the Paracin “Lamela 3”, in the Nemanjina street.

– “Oh, I killed my father, what did I do?” Groaned my grandson, as he hit his head on the ground next to Boban, who lay bloody and barely alive. “Boban, Boban,” my daughter screamed, calling for her ex-husband, trying to wake him up! I was trying to calm my grandson, who was going crazy, she was afraid that she would hurt herself. I was holding him, and he was hitting his head, he wanted to break everything around him. In that commotion, we could hardly wait for the ambulance to arrive. He was afraid that he would hurt himself, because he had recently taken a handful of pills.

This is what Sava, the grandfather of the minor MM, says in a low voice, recounting the tragedy that befell them two nights ago in a rented apartment, where his grandson lives with his mother. Boban, he says, was showing signs of life when the doctor arrived, but died in hospital:

– When my daughter Daniela called me and said: “Come quickly, M. took the knife, he wants to fight with Boban”, I got on the bike, but it was too late. My ex-son-in-law was lying on the ground, unconscious and bloody, and his grandson was disappointed. He realized what he had done! My daughter later told me that they had an argument for 50 euros and that Boban hit my grandson on the nose, so they got into a fight. She tried to separate them, but her ex-son-in-law turned to hit her too! Then the grandson lost control and grabbed a knife from somewhere …

Photo: Z. Rašić

Blood prints all over the apartment

According to his grandfather, M. is the only one, in February of the following year he turned 18. Boban left the family when the boy was seven, but lately he has been coming to his rented apartment. He wanted to make contact, but they mostly fought. To make the accident worse, the grandfather assures that the young man has a year of mental illness and is taking medication. He also claims that his mother recently brought him to Belgrade, with certified instructions for treatment in various institutions, but they did not receive him anywhere.

– I was nervous, when he enters that phase he does not sleep for three days, he does not eat. Just listen to loud music. Stopped going to school, lost child allowance. Sam said he was thinking about killing himself or hurting someone at night. He recently took many “lorazepam” and “bensedine” tablets. We couldn’t wake him up and we immediately called the ambulance, so they saved him at the hospital, Grandpa Sava told us.

Photo: Z. Rašić

Grandpa Sava


Despite several attempts, we were unable to find MLADIC’s mother in the apartment. Neighbors say the building, as far as tenants are concerned, is “a bit of a problem.” “Novosti” was told that the police allegedly knew the victim because of the narcotics.

Until a few years ago, this family lived in an apartment in a dilapidated building in front of “Stofare”, which caught fire, so all the families were evicted. These are households with no income to which the Paracin Social Work Center pays for accommodation. The mother later moved with her son and father to the building on Nemanjina Street, although his father, with whom we spoke, now stays more with his son. They live solely on the social assistance they receive.

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