One of those testimonies was posted by Aleksandra Blagojević, and we are broadcasting it in its entirety: “I am Aleksandra Blagojević. He suffered from osteosarcoma, a malignant tumor that was in the femur. I had two surgeries and started therapy. I found out about the Tumane monastery and decided to go before the second therapy.
I came with a crutch, I dragged my leg because it was not working. After the prayer, I felt terrible pain. The next day I went to therapy without crutches. He could bend his leg, he felt no pain or swelling, he could function at work. All the doctors were amazed.
They did not believe what had happened. I had a strong desire to return to Tumane and came at the end of January. I felt the same pain, as if someone was tearing my muscle, but it passed and the pain was gone.
On February 12, 2020, they operated on me, they removed the tumor and that part of the bone because it was damaged. Now I have a femur, knee and calf prosthesis, but it works, I can walk, I can do everything normally.
That feeling that I experienced in the monastery is something that cannot be described. That miracle that happened, for me to be alive now and walk and function. You have to believe in that and pray sincerely.
Who believes in God’s miracles and a miracle will happen to him, that’s for sure and I recommend it to everyone. Anyone with a problem should come here and Tuman will help them. Every saint helps, you just have to go with a pure heart and soul to pray, says Alexandra.
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