01.12.2020. 08:22
The girl (14) tried to commit suicide on Sunday night, after taking a large amount of antidepressants, and the doctors managed to recover her, and she is currently out of danger.

Ambulance, Photo: Hello! / Rajko Ristic
As is unofficially known, the minor allegedly took up to 75 tablets of the drug “amizole” because her parents did not let her go to the birthday party.
– The girl was alone in her room when she took the pills. Her father found her unconscious in bed. Next to him were empty medicine boxes. They were immediately clear about what had happened, so her parents transferred her to a car and took her to the emergency center of the Valjevo hospital. After the examination, she was rushed to the Belgrade hospital for further treatment due to severe poisoning, the source says, adding that the teenager was admitted to the Institute for Mother and Child and is now in good general condition. .
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As the parents told the researchers, their daughter did not have mental problems before, nor did she have any other problems.
– They assume she took the pills out of rebellion. That is, the girl asked them the night before this to go to her birthday party, but they did not allow her to do so due to the situation of the coronavirus epidemic. Although they tried to explain to her that going to a party is not smart at the moment, the girl was unable to rationally resonate with it and got into a fight with her parents, says a source familiar with the investigation.
A neighbor says she can’t believe the girl wanted to hurt herself.
– I don’t know what happened to that girl and why she took so many medications. She was a happy girl, she always called everyone nice. Her parents never complained about her – says the neighbor and continues:

Photo: Alo / TS
– I heard she did it because they didn’t let her go to a party. I don’t know why it was so important to her to go to a party.
The competent Valjevo prosecutor’s office and the local social work center were informed about this case, which will be in charge of subsequent proceedings.
– It will be determined where the minors got the antidepressants from, but it is assumed that she secretly took her mother’s medications – says the source.
Toxicologist Dr. Radomir Kovacevic says that “amizole” belongs to a group of drugs called tricyclic antidepressants.
– It’s the worst drug of its kind. Is the girl alive? – asked the doctor and added that if it is really true that he drank a greater amount of this medicine, it will have consequences.
– It is almost certain that the consequence will be a disorder of the nervous system and heart function, which will return with time, and problems with the kidneys and liver can also occur. These drugs also affect the respiratory centers, blocking them, so the person does not breathe, explains the toxicologist.
fast or irregular heartbeat
– low blood pressure
– dilated pupils
– drowsiness and bloating
– swelling of the lips, throat and tongue
– shock and loss of consciousness