“WHAT’S UP, WHERE IS YOUR MASK?” Boranin attacked because he had no protection on his face, unknown young man HIT AND ESCAPE HIM (PHOTO)


Everyone knows that unforeseen situations can happen almost every day, but none of us expect someone to attack you for no reason and hit you on the head as you walk calmly through the park.

This is exactly what happened in the center of Bor, in the so-called museum park. Boranin VS (64), while walking the dog, had no idea that someone would attack him.

The attacked man received scratchesPhoto: private archive / RAS Serbia

The attacked man received scratches

– I went out for a while just to walk the dog. We always go out because it is close to our place of residence. As we walked, I saw a man running towards me. I paused for a moment, thinking it might have occurred to me, as it formed in front of me, entering my face. He began to shout “what happened, what, where is your mask, where is the mask” – says VS

The confused man began to apologize, and the attacker then began to react even angrier.

– He took a piece of paper from his pocket, similar to a bus ticket, and shouted that he was a person authorized to verify who was wearing the mask outside. I apologized and explained that I had not put the mask on my face because I went out for a walk to walk the dog. I said I would go home immediately – says our interlocutor.

At that moment, an enraged attacker grabbed the man’s arm and started pulling him.

– He started to pull me, I have scratches on my arm and then he took my mobile phone out of his pocket. He spoke as if a colleague of his had come to the park. It dragged me nonstop. I begged him to let me go, and then somehow I broke away and went home, when he hit me on the back of the head, says VS

The moment it hit him on the back of the head, the attacker started to flee.

– Fortunately, I have no serious injuries except that he scratched my arm. I got scared so I didn’t call the police right away, but I did report the case a bit later. By the way, I take care of myself, I respect all measures related to the situation with the corona virus, for my own safety and that of my family. This was going out for 10 minutes, in a part where there is no crowd, not even many people and it would never have occurred to me that I was going to experience something like this – said VS

According to what he told us, the attacker had ripped jeans and a denim jacket, brown hair and was unshaven, in his 30s.
