“WHAT WILL THE DEVIL DO TO US?” Zelenovic is doing a “third genre” on the political scene. Not with Zoran, Kolet and Balsa, but WANTS WITH FOREIGNERS (AUDIO)


Yesterday a video appeared on YouTube in which the leader of Together for Serbia, Nebojsa Zelenovic, claims that he does not need the support of the opposition for the repeated elections on October 3. He specifically named Zoran Zivkovic, Konstantin Samofalov and Balsa Bozovic.

In the video that appeared, Zelenović says that there are two political poles in Serbia, one concentrated around Vučić, the other around Đilas.

– There is no third party. And now the idea is to do something that people want to vote for. And just as everyone rejoiced on the night of June 21, now no one rejoices. in repeated elections. Now everyone wants to come to Sabac on October 3, and not because I invited them, because we don’t need them, who the hell are we? Now public pressure is on our side. What will Zivkovic, Kole Samofalov and SDS do to us, and what will Balsa Bozovic do to us? – Zelenovic asked and continued:

– We fight for the fact that when we need to talk to foreigners, we get an appointment right away and we will talk and explain. And it is expected that, to be supported in the same capacity, in a very short time we will do the third thing, what the people want to vote for. We will do and do what is expected of us, because it is in our interest – said Zelenović.

Balša Božović tells “Blic” that “he would always come to Sabac to support citizens in the fight against the SNS, regardless of whether Zelenović’s call for help was sincere or not.”

– In any case, I do it for the good of the citizens, and not for someone’s chair. I have no comment on the fact that Zelenović spoke about us, who responded wholeheartedly to his call to help in the third round of elections in Šabac. I sincerely wish him success in defending Sabac – said Bozovic.

Kostantin Samofalov says he is surprised.

– In the public gallery in which we participated together we offered him the most sincere support, for which Zelenović himself thanked. We regret that this gesture was obviously insincere. We continue to believe that the key to victory over this regime lies in sincere cooperation and solidarity within the opposition and in ending the senseless struggle for a better place on the Titanic. That is why we are focused as much as possible on the conversations started within the opposition, and for us the priority is a common goal, around which we gather in those meetings. In that sense, we can only express regret for such words, but we would not like to comment more than that. Our goal is to win over this regime and hold everyone accountable for their words and deeds. Opposition voters expect results and good news from us, and not intra-opposition realities that only Vučić benefits from, says Samofalov for “Blic”.

VIDEO: Vacic threatened Zelenovic
