What will the completion of the Belgrade ring road work be like?


The epidemic has slowed down many projects, but not work on the Belgrade bypass. Work is being done day and night to complete the 47-kilometer highway on time.

A breach was made in the Straževica tunnel, the pillars of the viaduct that should enter that tunnel were poured, and the bridge over the Sava near Ostružnica was completed.

According to the plan, large earthworks are underway on the Bubanj Potok circuit. When the entire project with six lanes to Pancevo is completed, it will be more than 60 kilometers.

“I am sure that the Chinese company ‘Power China’ will make every effort to complete this project with high quality and within the agreed time frame,” says Chen Bo, China’s ambassador to Serbia.

Most of the workers are currently on the section from Orlovača to Bubanj potok. Several bridges and a large viaduct entering the tunnel are being built. The support pillars are finished and remains to be connected.

“We will work, we will have meetings every month with the contractors. We are in ‘Roads of Serbia’ and more often we finally finish that sector and 4 and 5 and 6 and there will never be more problems with traffic in Belgrade,” says Zoran Drobnjak of ” Roads of Serbia “. “.

There are 79 bridges on the part from Dobanovci to Bubanj potok. The largest, across the Sava River near Ostružnica, consists of three 1,965-meter-long structures.

There are also four tunnels “Lipak”, “Zeleznik” and “Beli potok” and “Straževica” on the route, almost 800 meters long.
