What will Montenegro be like after Amfilohije?


The later liturgy of Amfilohije: this is how some Podgorica newspapers described the funeral of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral. Serbian patriarch Irinej said that Amfilohije was received in Montenegro in 1990 by a people alienated from the faith, but that Montenegro was spiritually resurrected in a short time. And Zdravko Krivokapić, the president for the composition of the new government, said that yesterday in Podgorica there was a litany of all the litigation.

“Yesterday’s funeral confirmed the historical contribution of both the metropolitan Amifolhija and the Serbian Orthodox Church in the renewal of the faith since 1990, when he ascended the throne of Saint Peter of Cetinje, but also showed the unity of the faithful,” said the leader of the Popular Democratic Party of Montenegro, Milan Knezevic.

Radio editor Svetigora Nikola Pejović says that the Metropolitan managed to gather all the politicians, the president of Serbia, the Serbian member of the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the representatives of the new government in Montenegro.

The president of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad, Dragan Stanić, remembers how the funeral of Patriarch Pavle was. “And the one who is willing to despise the Serbian people, the culture and the Serbian soul had to stop and say: this is magnificent. I think some of that happened yesterday in Podgorica, and when you see the temple that he left, then you see that he had grown up and was born, “says Stanić.

Much attention was paid to the until recently outlaw poet, a man who was banned from entering Montenegro until Saturday, on the charge that he was a threat to the country’s internal security. Academician Matija Bećković gave a fifteen-minute speech in the center of Podgorica: he said that the new reborn Montenegro starts from A.

“We sent it like they sent King Alexander and Patriarch Pavle,” Bećković said, among other things.

“Yesterday, Matija Bećković read the life of the metropolitan, in fact, he completed the symbolism that the late metropolitan allowed him to reach Montenegro after years of exile and after the attack on him in the regime’s media. Matija Bećković is the eldest Living Serbian poet. Montenegrin, and I would dare to say also Yugoslav poetry. He is a man who, with yesterday’s sermon and biography, completed his philosophical thought in the right way, but also completed his friendship with Amfilohije “, said Milan Knezevic .

Jevrem Brković: Some dealt with independent Montenegro at the funeral

The entire funeral was broadcast by the Montenegrin public service. However, last night in the Montenegrin Radio-Television daily, Jevrem Brković, an academic at the Duklja Academy of Sciences and Arts, one of the first advocates of independent Montenegro, also spoke about the meeting. Brkovic said that some at the funeral had a clash with independent Montenegro.

“It was ugly what Matija Bećković and others said. There was a lot of kitsch, historical and ecclesiastical. I don’t know why all that, but it is good who knows how to watch and listen, to know what the people of Montenegro think in some areas and what kind of oasis has Montenegro in Montenegro itself, “said RTCG’s Brković.

Milan Knezevic believes that Brkovic remains consistent with his chauvinist politics, which he propagated in the 1990s.

“He was one of the ideologues of stoning the Cetinje monastery, removing the tricolor in front of the Cetinje monastery and he is one of the people who formed the Montenegrin literary magazine and wrote more vomit against the metropolitan, and I would be surprised if he said something different when he did not He did. Of course, I don’t think he can bear the importance or greatness of Matija Bećković and wanted to deal with Matija alive, but Jevrem Brković’s views in Montenegro are as heavy as a storm in a glass of water, “he said. Knezevic.

Many in Montenegro believe that the speech of the Speaker of the Assembly, Aleksa Bečić, was politically mature. And others consider that it was well calculated politically. In his speech, Becic mentioned the European and American Commissioner Oliver Varhelji. However, one of the most important parts of the speech was the quote from Mufti Muhamed Jusufspahić of Belgrade, who recalled that Amfilohije defended the Bajrakli Mosque in 2004.

The Vice President of Democratic Montenegro, Albin Ćeman, believes that Bečić’s speech was historic.

“Peace and reconciliation are actually the path we are fighting for. You know, you cannot defend the church without defending the mosque. You cannot defend the mosque without defending the church. The example and action of the metropolitan is an example and a brilliant guide on how we should behave. Amfilohije defended the Bajrakli mosque that year, and we had a case where my colleagues and I defended the church in the same way, so we defended the religious communities of others, “said Ćeman .

What will Amfilohije’s letter to Krivokapic reveal?

The man of Montenegrin politics closest to the metropolitan is future Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic. In his speech, he recalled their meeting on August 30 at the temple where Amfilohije was buried.

“My greatest joy was the meeting on August 30, before midnight, I will carry that hug of yours until my last hour, as well as the words you said, and said, good for me,” said Zdravko Krivokapić.

Recently, the benefactor of the Serbian Orthodox Church, businessman Miodrag Daka Davidović, stated that Bishop Amfilohije left a farewell letter which, as he said, will be opened by Krivokapić and which is intended for him and the people.

That letter could be interesting not only for the spiritual but also for the political power that Amfilohije had in Montenegro. And also for what still awaits Montenegro.

“Montenegro faces numerous challenges after the election of a government, socio-economic, but by God both identity and national, we are waiting for the census in 2021 or the withdrawal of the Freedom of Religion Law or amendments, all that was started by litigation it must now be carried out “through the work of the future government that will have trouble guaranteeing national and social consensus. I would like to be wrong, but I think we will continue to be a divided society, and without national and state reconciliation of Serbs and Montenegrins, Montenegro will not advance, “Milan Knezevic said.

Journalist News Srdjan Kosović wrote in the text titled “All our destinies in one man”: All the Montenegrin duality, all the Montenegrin agreements and all the Montenegrin disputes, all their meetings and divisions, all beautiful and ugly words, and finally tears and celebration, they became the life and death of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral. This is just an interpretation of the character and Amfilohije’s work. Few dare to predict what Montenegro will be like spiritually and politically without Amfilohije.

Dragan Stanić believes that Amfilohije will remain in the life of Montenegro. Remember that the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral was the head of the Njegoš board at Matica Srpska in Novi Sad.

I believe that even if he is not physically present, the metropolitan will survive permanently with his spirit and establish the spirit of Montenegro, which will now have to find his soul, which he dropped, which allowed those who do not care about spiritual history to break. I went to Montenegro for years and said that Montenegrins should go back to the Njegoš tradition, something I call the Njegoš resistance movement, and they should show that honorable Montenegro, traditional and honest Montenegro lives and today in Montenegrins “, says Dragan Stanić .

Is Joanikije the heir?

The heir to the throne of Saint Peter of Cetinje and the exarch of the Peja throne will be elected by the Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The ordinary session is held in the spring. Until then, the administrator of the Metropolitanate de Montenegro y el Litoral will be the Bishop of Budva-Niksic, Joanikije. What should Amfilohije’s successor have and is there another candidate besides Ioaniki?

“It is not realistic to expect someone to come to replace the metropolitan in his greatness, but what we all hope is that someone will succeed him when the metropolitan gave birth, gave him spiritual water, when people recognized him as the heir,” said Nikola Pejović, radio editor. Svetigora.

“The important thing for us is that Mgr. Joanikije is the spiritual son of the Metropolitan, who was inspired by his life to become what he is, and so far the Metropolitan and Mgr. Joanikije have made important decisions together and in that organizational sense, and I think betting on names doesn’t matter, “Pejovic said.

Along with Milo Đukanović, Amfilohije Radović was the strongest figure in the life of Montenegro in the last three decades. It could be said that it was more impressive than the time in which he lived.

And he died at the time of his greatest spiritual and political strength. This year is a year of great uncertainty and expectations different from the new era for Montenegro. A time when it remains to be seen if he will be influenced by Amfilohije, even after his death.
