WHAT WEATHER AWAITS US ON NEW YEAR’S NIGHT? Forecasters released the forecast, after a sudden change after midnight.


From the middle of the day in the central and southern parts, occasional intervals of sun, according to the Hydrometeorological Department of the Republic.

The wind is weak and moderate, occasionally strong in the mountainous areas, south and southwest, in the afternoon and night heading northwest.

The lowest temperature is three to 10 degrees, and the highest six in the north and west to 15 degrees in the southeast of Serbia.

Tomorrow it will be mostly cloudy and a bit cooler in Belgrade, with occasional short-term showers.

Weak and moderate wind, south in the morning, during the day turning towards the west and northwest. The lowest temperature is around seven and the highest around nine degrees. Cheering on New Years Eve.

On Fridays and Saturdays it will be mostly sunny and warm above average, and from Sunday to the end of the period it will be moderately and completely cloudy, with occasional rain, in high mountains with snow.

Occasionally strong southeast wind in Košava area during the weekend.

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