What was the Russian army doing in Serbia?


Major General Mikhail Chernyshov, who led the Russian Defense Ministry’s expert team in the fight against the coronavirus in Serbia, estimates that members of the Serbian army as experts are very well prepared and that the ABHO Air Force battalion has reached the level of the Russian army team.

Chernyshov, who is the chief of the ABHO of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation, said in the May issue of the Defense newspaper that Russian soldiers in Serbia saw some things they would like to use in the Russian army and that, regardless of certain technical differences, they are members of the Army. Serbia as experts is very well prepared.

“Yes, it is enough for me to declare a single fact: coordinating and organizing the work of our units in the joint execution of tasks, we only needed one day,” he said, and evaluated that it is a fact that speaks for itself.

He added that the two parts of ABHO worked together, complementing each other with the best they had, spending less time than before, so that more facilities can be covered.

“The only emotion in the Russian team, before coming to Serbia, was about how the population and the state of Serbia will wait for them. And the words of one of the residents of Belgrade who observed what and how they do it and said: these Russians they can testify to that. ” they work for themselves, “he said.

He added that Russia helped Serbia as much as it could, and that Serbia never forgot that help.

“Now I can say that I know much more about Serbia than before, I talk to people, I can see what and how they do it, what they think, what they dream about, and that experience cannot always be described in words, but when you stay in the soul a sincere feeling of warmth, that’s already a lot, “he said.

He also emphasized the importance of the joint military exercises of the armies of the two countries, because the soldiers know each other and build friendship for the future, because they are together in the trenches, in shooting positions.

A little over twenty years ago, Serbia, unfortunately, had a great experience of war, which is studied in the Russian military schools, and according to our own training, I can say that this experience is very important, we used many things from it in the training”. “he said.

The Russian team of experts visited the exhibition “Defense 78” on defense against NATO aggression in Serbia, noting that the Serbian people and army must be recognized for their courage, because accepting war in a completely hostile environment is very hard.

“Experience has shown that such a situation always leads to defeat, however, even under such conditions, Serbia managed to preserve its territory, and unfortunately, as in any war, paid for that victory with their lives. That is the cruel logic of war, “he said. he is.

He said the depleted uranium also represents a large mine that has been placed under future generations in Serbia.

Russians in the Balkans are a European nightmare. Read more about it HERE.

Source: Tanjug

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