What to do when your guest enters your home


Alexander Nevsky was a great Russian prince and saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, who in 2008 was proclaimed the greatest figure in Russian history.

Although he is a Russian saint, Alexander Nevsky became a symbol of the struggle for the preservation of Orthodoxy, which is why he is respected as a saint in all Orthodox nations of Slavic origin.

Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the faithful mark the transfer of the relics of this saint from Vladimir to Saint Petersburg (Saint Petersburg), on the laurel of Saint Alexander Nevsky, where they are now.

This is also the case in Serbia, although only a few dozen families celebrate it as a baptismal holiday in our country, especially in the vicinity of Kragujevac.

That is, there is a legend that the evicted population of northern Montenegro celebrates Alexander Nevsky in Serbia.

Upon arrival in their new homeland, they took with them the memory of good relations with the Russians, so they accepted this saint for a new baptismal glory. The feast of St. Alexander Nevsky is also called Lesendrovan, and it is customary today for those who have guests to offer brandy to their friends at the door.

If the guests come to the house where today is the baptismal party, they should raise their glasses and make a toast – Whoever celebrates and raises the glory, the glory and the people took care of it, celebrated it for many summers and years, better, more full and more satisfied!


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Author: delivery courier
