What tanks did the Russians send us? VIDEO / PHOTO


Belgrade: 30 T-72MS tanks have been donated by the Russian Federation to Serbia, and the first ones have already been delivered. The value of this donation is around 30 million euros.

Source: News



As former Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said in May last year before the military parade in Niue, when this tank was shown, Serbia received T-72 tanks as a donation within the military-technical agreement reached between President Aleksandar Vui and Vladimir Putin. Then he added that thanks to that donation, our armored units would be “significantly improved and strengthened.”

As part of the military-technical agreement, Serbia received from Russia, in addition to these tanks, other armored vehicles, 30 BRDM-2 armored vehicles, some of which have already arrived in Serbia.

The biggest and most important novelty is the fact that, for the first time, the Serbian army will have a tank with active-reactive armor.

These are tanks with the possibility of launching rockets from a 125 mm cannon cannon, there is also a 7.62 mm machine gun attached, which is located next to the barrel of the cannon and monitors the rotation of the turret, as well as a machine gun of 12.7 millimeters at the top, which rotates independently from the dome, Novosti reports.



One of the most famous Russian weapons products coming to Serbia has a stronger engine and better electronic equipment. The advanced T-72 tank also proved its capabilities on the battlefield, and in Syria it proved indestructible.

The power of this tank was best demonstrated on the web, which was used by the Albino, Golovenka and Mulino training camps in the vicinity of Moscow.

Russian tankers practiced reaction speed on tanks T-72 and T-80, that is, during which they can hit a target that appears only for a moment.

The targets, which were at a distance of between 700 meters and two kilometers, were hit by cannon shells and tank machine guns.
