Although the Dragan Šolak United Group media violates all possible regulations in Serbia, they are clearly protected from any liability. Therefore, the question arises as to which people from the state institutions protect the United Group, who works in their interest and how is it possible that the competent authorities, mainly the Electronic Media Regulatory Body (REM) and inspections, squint. to the fact that Solak’s company operates in the gray zone. .
An oasis of anarchy
The fact is, REM has been ignoring numerous warnings for years that H1, Nova S, Sport Club and other United Group-owned channels are seriously violating all Serbian legal regulations and abusing the rules for cross-border broadcasters. Sholak, with the help of the unacceptably passive and disinterested REM, created a gray area for himself, which is a true oasis for his media. They are invisible and untouchable by national laws, allowing Šolak to become enormously wealthy.
In addition to REM, the United Group is trying to attract the Anti-Corruption Council to its side. The member of this council, Jelisaveta Vasilić, has already announced herself in the United Group media on several occasions, defending this company and openly attacking Telekom, as the only competition to Šolak’s business.
Thanks to hidden ownership, registration outside of Serbia and a program that is not treated as a product created in Serbia, United Group media is not even registered in the media, they work without REM’s permission, they broadcast commercials practically in a illegal and are exempt from paying many taxes and other fees. in Serbia.

Content rewriting
All of this was not reason enough for some of the competent inspections to react.
Sholak deliberately avoids the obligations and rights that all national channels have, but REM tolerates it persistently due to the brutal abuse of the status of cross-border television. Your media are only fictitiously registered in Luxembourg. They do not broadcast their programs in that country, but from their studies in Belgrade, but REM looks at them askance and allows them a privileged position.
National laws have regulated the rules of cross-border television and, for a program to be broadcast in Serbia, it must be broadcast in a foreign country where the teacher, i.e. the television director, is located and Sholak’s television is directed in Serbia Furthermore, the retransmission takes over the original program without changing the content, which is not the case with televisions owned by United Group: your program is not broadcast in Slovenia, where it is formally “packaged”, or in Luxembourg, where it is registered, nor by cable. networks come with content changes and redesign. The most lucrative part for Sholak is the insertion of advertising blocks (which he sold dearly through his company CAS media), which is a flagrant violation of the law, because it represents an interruption of the original signal.

Trampling regulations
The secretary general of the Association of Serbian Journalists, Nino Brajović, explains that the cross-border television program must be broadcast in the country where they have a license, and the broadcast program must reach Serbia in its original form, that is, without interrupting the signal:
– I do not think that H1 programs are broadcast in Luxembourg and based on your claims they are broadcast from Slovenia. Our legislation requires broadcasters to broadcast their program in its original form. Therefore, the BBC or CNN program in Serbia must be the same as in the country where these houses are licensed, which includes advertising blocks. Interrupting the original signal and changing the advertising blocks is against our legislation. It is the job of REM, as the only authorized body, to resolve all these doubts. REM would have to be much more active when it comes to these issues.
They don’t pay for copyright
Copyright payments are another of a number of reasons for United Group to register its media in Luxembourg or another country that is considered a regulatory haven. Thus, by abusing the status of cross-border televisions – and their de facto work as domestic channels – Sholak avoids paying for copyrights, because televisions do not pay for copyrights in the country where they are broadcast, but where they are broadcast. are registered.
Kurir.rs/ Photo: screenshot

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Author: delivery courier