What measures are still in force after Thursday? This is what life will look like after a state of emergency arises


The state of emergency in Serbia will be lifted on Wednesday in Djurdjevdan, President Aleksandar Vucic announced tonight.

The President stated that he hopes that tomorrow the Government will also, in accordance with the constitutional and legal procedure, receive a reasoned opinion and a position from the Ministry of Defense, after which the Government will decide, and then the Prime Minister and his decision will go to the Assembly.

– If everything goes according to plan, the state of emergency is lifted in Djurdjevdan. On Wednesday, a proposal for the abolition of the state of emergency will come to Parliament, and after it is adopted and published in the Official Gazette, it will take effect, he said, adding that everything is the responsibility of the citizens.

From the state of emergency we move to emergency measures in the framework of the declaration of the epidemic, which means that the citizens of Serbia will not immediately return to the life they led before March 15.

This means that the police and military are leaving the streets and the movement will normalize, but some measures will remain in force, due to the Decree on the outbreak of the Kovid 19 infectious disease outbreak, which is in force since March 19.

What measures remain in place?

Social distance measures they are something that attracted more during the course of the event, and will be after the state of emergency has been abolished. Ban on public meetings, as well as wearing protective masks and glovesIt will be mandatory, announced the competent before.

Public transport to Serbiaand from Monday it will begin to recover, it is true that gradually, but there will be some rules. What all passengers should know is that the hours are significantly reduced, that without a mask and gloves they don’t think they are going to hit the road.

photo: Marina Lopičić

As for Belgrade, the stops have red dots indicating that passengers should watch the distance, and only one door will be allowed.

Initially, only employed persons will be able to travel, and then in the second phase, students, students in the third phase, will only be able to travel with the exception of those over 65, who will be able to enter buses and trams only in the fourth phase.

There will be a security guard in the vehicle, who will check if citizens follow the prescribed rules and will monitor the number of passengers, and will check with the bus plus the cards if they are employed or not.

. Double seats can accommodate a single person, and the seats will be marked with decals that will be on the floor of the vehicle, but there will also be designated seats for standing and moving passengers through the vehicle. The number of passengers in a vehicle will depend on the size of the vehicle itself, but will be approximately half that of the epidemic.

Speaking about opening borders, President Vucic said it was a complex issue and would have to be dealt with gradually, as it did not depend solely on Serbia. Certainly, after opening the borders, the measure of compulsory isolation of all citizens who return to our country after their stay abroad continues.

Restaurants and cafes will be able to start operating tomorrow, with the need to maintain social distance and use protective equipment outdoors in the gardens, in the same way, with due consideration for other measures that have been applied to any interior space



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Author: Delivery courier
