What is the job of a building manager? Tenants constantly complain, no one knows where the money is going VIDEO


Belgrade – The front door is not working, there are no fire facilities, the building is not painted, and the professional building managers only ask tenants to pay something more.

Source: B92, TV Prva

Photo: Printskrin / Prva TV

Photo: Printskrin / Prva TV

They themselves do not know where that money is going … These are the statements of the majority of the residents of Belgrade.

Each building must have an administrator when they are chosen by the tenants, and if they cannot agree, the city will assign one to them.

The difference is that the building administrator, when appointed by the neighbors, does not have to take the test and has no legally defined obligations, while the delegates by the city must have a license.

Marko Arsenijevic, Professor of Professional Directors at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, explained that the presidents of the buildings, as they were previously called, did not want to take responsibility during fire inspection and other controls. “Then the idea came up that we introduce ourselves as representatives of the tenant president.”

Since 2016, when the Housing and Building Maintenance Act was passed, to this day, 1,150 professional building managers have been registered, but only 700 are active.

In practice, everything seems ideal, but tenants constantly complain to the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

What is the job of a building manager and what are his duties?

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