What is happening in Novi Pazar


Gendarmerie in the streets. Controls and searches. It was preceded by up to three incidents in three days. Epilogue: Three locals injured in a shooting.

The citizens of Novi Pazar are concerned, Mayor Nihat Biševac told Regional Television.

“It is true that the city of Novi Pazar is ready, that it will do everything possible and provide full support to the police, the prosecution and the judiciary in the fight against criminals,” Biševac said.

Serbian parliament deputy speaker Zukorlic welcomes the police reaction.

He says they have been pointing out the poor security situation in Novi Pazar for five years. He claims that many of the incidents, especially the most recent ones, are not part of the usual political confrontation between parties.

“Criminals are the strongest and most important category of society in this city. It is terror that has and carries a message to the citizens ”, believes Zukorlic.

Last night, for the second night in a row, at the time it was supposed to be closed, the police and gendarmerie found more than 100 people in a catering facility. Today, this property has more than 70 guests.

“The owners of criminal pubs, gambling houses and restaurants are locking themselves in, looking at the camera, whoever they are. And as 120,000 inhabitants of this city know, the police do not know, inspections do not know. No, for please, “Zukorlic pointed out.

Following the raid, the police and gendarmerie emptied the restaurant, but it was not announced whether or to whom the punishment for violating the epidemic measures was imposed.
