
WHAT IS HAPPENING IN FRUSKA GORA?  Self-proclaimed ecologist, rich and vulgar NOISE AND ANGRY AT THE PROFESSION!

Dragana Arsić, Photo: Facebook / Dragana Arsić

A protest will be held in front of the headquarters of the company that manages the Fruška Gora National Park on Wednesday 17 February! It will be organized by those who deal, as they say, “the collapse of the national park.”

Those who cut down the forests and those who fight against them every day convince each other of the veracity of their struggle.

– Let’s stop the barbarians with chainsaws that are devastating Fruška gora! Bandits cut through the forest to fill their pockets!

The spirit of such slogans permeates the echo chambers of small groups of Internet warriors, who are convinced every day of the correctness of their fight.

However, as is often the case, there are no hard, verifiable facts or data behind them.

Following the groups mentioned on social networks, a fairly small membership that we must mention, it is noted that behind the moans and laments over the “collapse of the national park”, and the calls for rebellion that follow, there is not a single argument . in the profession to support such accusations.

The avid hobbyists gathered in these groups completely ignore the views of forest and environmental protection engineers, and interpret every voice of the profession that strays from its dogmatized scenarios as the expression of a grand conspiracy.

Defending the companies that manage the Fruška Gora National Park, or its director, is not the objective of this text, because it is clear from the results they achieve that they can do it themselves.

However, it is not necessary to be behind hundreds of engineers, foresters, security guards and guards, people dedicated to their vocation, who have tripled the total mass of wood in 60 years of existence of this national park, preserved protected areas and contributed to tourism. development in this beautiful mountain. In the narrative that is created, it’s easy to put photos of stacked logs next to a forest road and call it an ecocide, but you will never mention something like the base of the forest, the plan, the sanitary logging, the age of the trees, or the fact that Every felled tree has a mark. But, perhaps most important of all, regular planned logging is part of the reforestation and rejuvenation of the forest. With that in mind, the reaction of the fierce warriors of the Internet to the action of the National Park, in which up to 60,000 new seedlings were recently planted, seems quite grotesque. In order not to get in the way of their truth, they immediately announced in their groups that out of 60,000 sit-ins, only 150 were received (?!)

The actions of a small group of eco-conspirators would have had no meaning if they had not been recognized and put into function of a broader destructive political action that is taking place in our country. In recent months, it is no coincidence that they are gaining more and more space for the sensationalist placement of their flat claims in media such as N1 and Nova S. It is, therefore, a deliberate instrumentalization aimed at mobilizing the general public around to seemingly indisputable subjects. such as environmental protection.

And who are the organizers of the announced protest? At the head of the movement pretentiously called “Let’s defend the forests of Fruška gora” (since when?) Is a certain Dragana Arsić. The materially affluent lady, who boasts of the photos of the dances in the Hofburg, using vulgar vocabulary unworthy of a palanquin, is a regular critic of everything in the Serbian Orthodox Church except for one bishop, popularly known as “Bishop Gregory” , whom he adores.

Presenting herself as an ecologist, although she has no professional qualifications or knowledge for such a thing, the aforementioned lady acts according to the exhibitionist pattern promoted by Marinika Tepic, in which noise and noise cover the absence of serious arguments or evidence of the accusations. . Completely cut off from reality, the self-proclaimed leader finds satisfaction in the role of a “useful fool” in Dragan Djilas’s cynical promises that he will put her in charge of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

The fight for the conservation of nature is a noble endeavor, in which a large number of people participate in their own way, either by vocation of life or as a volunteer.

It is precisely because of these wonderful people, who could be seduced by the bombastic and politically utilitarian performances of the charlatans, that the truth behind the months-long campaign against Fruška Gora National Park needs to be openly told. In all this, the beauty of Pannonia represents only a change in the pockets of Dragan Đilas and various marines, who have as much to do with environmental protection as Boško Obradović with anti-fascism.


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Author: delivery courier
