WHAT IS ABSURD, LORD KRIVOKAPIĆ? The Božović Brotherhood wrote to the Prime Minister of Montenegro: annul the shameful decision!


“The Božović Brotherhood is one of the oldest brotherhoods in Montenegro. The history of our brotherhood is long and glorious, and on this occasion we will point out that our ancestors fought in Jajoše in 1875 and in Vučji Do in 1876, under the command of Peko Pavlović, from those battles and today the descendants of the Lukin Cross inherit the course of the Turkish pasha, as well as the war flag that our brotherhood keeps as proof of the glorious past.

It is also known that Božović’s platoon took the halo of the “Heroic Platoon” at the Battle of Shkodra, for which they were awarded four Obilić medals by King Nikola for these merits. Furthermore, our ancestors fought in Bardanjol, Taraboš and Bregalnica together with the Serbian army, as well as in the famous Battle of Mojkovac. So much, just to find out.

We see the expulsion of our brother Dr. Vladimir Božović from his and our Montenegro as an act directed against all of us, especially since he spoke with his appearances and statements in all the media, both before and after the inauguration of the ambassador as it should make him a common man. and a Montenegrin patriot, who is easy to control, and let the Podgorica Assembly court make history.

From this place, we say that we will not allow any government to persecute our intellectuals and our champions as enemies of this country, which they really are not! It goes so far that Dr. Vladimir Božović is banned from entering Montenegro, denied the opportunity to visit his birthplace, his parents, the graves of his ancestors… How absurd, Mr. President Krivokapić.

We are saying that we will not allow some “hot” heads to settle accounts on our political scene, so shamefully. We are, some for one, others for the other, and others for the third political option, which is quite natural and democratic, but we are united when our rights, both individual and collective as fraternities, are in danger. That is why we call on you, Mr. President, as an intellectual and moral giant, for you and the new Government of Montenegro to correct this injustice and annul this shameful decision. “


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