WHAT IS A SAD YEAR? Zlata Petrović, shocked by the death of Darko’s father, feels TERRIBLE


WHAT IS A SAD YEAR?  Zlata Petrović, shocked by the death of Darko's father, feels TERRIBLE

Photo: Damir Dervišagić, Zorana Jevtić

Milan Lazić, the father of singer Darko Lazić, passed away today.

Milan recently underwent stomach reduction surgery, followed by complications and was in a coma for days. Now, singer Zlata Petrović has spoken for “Kurir” and admitted that she feels terrible.

photo: Printscreen / Premiere

“Now that I’ve heard of Darko’s father, I just wrote a message to my Darkic, my Sun. God, what is this? What a sad year is this? I feel so bad, just bad news, ouch.” Zlata said in a tearful voice. Delivery courier.

Darko spoke for Kurir and revealed that his mother Branka was very ill and difficult due to the death of her husband, as well as all members of the family.

photo: ATA images, Ana Paunković

“I am not at all. It is very difficult for my mother. Like all normal people, we are like that when someone dies, it is difficult for us. Thank you very much for calling and offering your condolences. A great respect to the Courier and to you – he told us Lazic.



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Author: delivery courier
