What does Russia say about the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo?


“The Russian side will support all the agreements reached voluntarily between Belgrade and Pristina,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a press conference in Moscow.

– We note the agreements reached in Washington between the President of Serbia and the representatives of Pristina with the agreements reached between these parties – said Lavrov.

“We assume that this was done for the sake of resolving the situation and we have no reason to doubt whether the Serbian leadership continues to support the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244,” he added.

According to him, the Russian side, as President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said, will firmly support Serbia in the steps it deems necessary within the framework of this resolution.

– And we will support all the agreements that were reached voluntarily between Serbia and Kosovo – said Lavrov.

The minister pointed out that Moscow will also pay attention to that on this issue, “it was already agreed in 2013 with the mediation of the EU.” Lavrov added that “Brussels must not forget that an agreement was reached between Belgrade and Pristina on the establishment of the Union of Serbian Municipalities of Kosovo, which guaranteed the legal rights of the Serbian population of this province.”

– It’s been seven years. The European Union was very proud of that achievement at the time. We also celebrate this achievement. In fact, it was a very important step. In that sense, nothing has been done and now we remind the EU about it – emphasized Lavrov.

A new round of high-level political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was held in Brussels on Monday with the help of the EU, in which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti participated. Previously, the Serbian delegation led by Vučić paid a two-day visit to the United States, where they held talks with Hoti, after which the parties signed an economic cooperation agreement with the mediation of US President Donald Trump.
