What does Darija Kisić Tepavčević say, are we too relaxed?


Darija Kisić Tepavčević said that in many countries where the measures were relaxed, there was a slight jump in the number of people infected. He noted that he hoped Serbia would not be one of those countries.

“We start from the assumption that the most important thing for everyone is their own health and the health of children and families. The responsibility is unquestionable in that regard, because we will do our best when it comes to our health,” said Darija. Kisić Tepavčević.

He says it is often a matter of whether people have relaxed too much since many walk without masks. He explains that everyone assesses the risk and that outdoor masks are not necessary, especially if you walk with close family members, with whom you often spend time.

He points out that we should focus as much as possible when we go to closed spaces where there are a large number of people, such as banks, post offices and public transport. Darija Kisić Tepavčević said that it is necessary to wear masks and wash your hands.

A crisis staff session will be held today, and Darija Kisić Tepavčević said that they are still being held regularly with the aim of evaluating all measures and removing the virus from the population as soon as possible.

He added that the warm weather made many people think about traveling.

“Right now, the only thing we can say and we have recommended, as well as to the countries of the region and Europe, that the people who come to our country be tested for the presence of this virus, which is negative, for a maximum period of 72 hours, “said Kisić Tepavčević.

When it comes to Serbian citizens, your trip will depend on the countries you are traveling to, but commercial testing will be possible for that purpose.
