What decided that reality shows changed to the night


A statement in which a participant of the reality show threatened to kill another participant was not convicted: “I will kill Stanija Dobrojevic personally or through my people, if she does not sincerely apologize for insulting my children. And I will kill anyone in my life. to mention my son. ” That’s what Kristijan Golubović said

Still, those words seem to have ruled that reality shows have a new air date. In accordance with the REM Decision, said contents will be transmitted from 23 to 6 hours.

“What is up to the REM Council will be relatively fast, we have made a decision. The office will do that legal part of the work relatively quickly, especially since there is already a recommendation on the time of transmission,” says Slobodan Cvejic, member of the REM Council. .

According to the REM member, the above recommendations have not been followed. This is also one of the main reasons for approving the new regulation.

“It is often said that the recommendations serve to unify the practice in an area. The only thing that has been harmonized is the practice of constant appearance of this type of scenes and of very negative impact, we constantly say on young people, but this has an impact negative in the entire population, “added Cvejic.

The prosecution did not react to the total threat from Kristijan Golubović, but will consider the criminal complaint that REM filed against the participants in the reality show. In previous years, they say in the Association of Judges and Prosecutors, there were criminal acts in such shows that were before the prosecution, more frequently: insults, endangering safety, minor and serious bodily injuries.

“If the prosecution has information, it can only react, but it is common for people who feel threatened or harmed to first report it to the police, who then consult the prosecutor’s office and then the competent prosecutor’s office qualifies and directs the procedures prior to the investigation It is not too difficult to determine what happened taking into account the constant audio and video surveillance in those programs, that is, the recording of the event itself and the large number of witnesses, “says Lazar Lazović of the Association of Prosecutors and Judges of Serbia

The twenty-four hour life in front of the cameras in Serbia has been broadcast for 14 years. The format has changed, the number of hours devoted to such content, but also the impact it can have on those who follow them.

“The problem is that the content of the media tends to be very normalized in society, so much of what we have seen and what we would say in private is unacceptable, when you get a media space and it is so widespread, the risk of normalizing that behavior. “says psychiatrist Nevena Chalovks Herzog.

The transmission of reality shows in the region is regulated differently: four years ago, Montenegro decided that such content is allowed after 11pm, but this restriction does not apply to cable shows.

In neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina, they went an hour further, so reality shows can only be seen after midnight.
