WHAT ARE THE POSSIBILITIES THAT THE CROWN WILL MOVE ALSO IN SERBIA? Dr. Tiorodović answered the question about the new strain of the virus, which is of great interest to many


So far no infection with a new corona strain has been recorded in Serbia, and as prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Team for the fight against coronavirus, there is always the possibility of something like this happening. Let us not forget that the crown came to us through Bergamo.

He says the existing measures (mask, distance, and regular hand washing) also help with the new strain. It also explains that the changes in the new strain in relation to the existing virus are not more serious, as they can be, but that we must follow what is happening.

– The situation in Great Britain also supports this. They did not change the measures, they stayed, but they introduced a more serious attitude towards the measures in London and England, where they established the appearance of that virus. That means they continue. Have supervision. They have already announced that there are no differences from this previous virus. Three days ago it was said that perhaps young people get more seriously ill, that they have a more serious clinical picture, that it is transmitted faster, but the question is how can anyone say now that transmission is 70% faster? – asks prof. Dr. Tiodorović.

Remember that the World Health Organization also said that the British informed them of everything and that they are in constant contact, but also that no one in the world has confirmed that the new strain has characteristics that are especially worrying:

– As far as I know, the new strain has been confirmed in Australia, which is a bit strange. They are so far. I guess it’s an imported, imported case. The most difficult thing is determining where the first case came from. But I see that the Danes, the Dutch, the Belgians have already suspended flights to Great Britain. Even the Germans and the French – he points out.

All viruses, sooner or later, mutate

Prof. Dr. Tiodorović says that the characteristic of all viruses is to mutate. This is also the case with this one, which has already gone through several minor mutations.

– As long as the virus remains in the human population, it can acquire some new properties, that is, it can mutate. The important thing at the moment is that the English have confirmed, and no one in Europe has denied it, which does not mean that someone will not do it in future research, that the Pfizer vaccine, which is administered in the UK and will start in other European countries , protects against this strain. – says the expert.
