What are hot spots like and what measures are applied there?


The emergency situation in Serbia is due to the corona virus in force in 10 cities, that is, municipalities, namely Kragujevac, Rekovac, Trstenik, Aleksandrovac, Novi Pazar, Valjevo, Bor, Prokuplje, Belgrade, Dimitrovgrad and, to this day , Kladovo. What measures are there?

For many it was a surprise to learn that the state of emergency is in force in the capital, and as minister and crisis staff member Darija Kisić Tepavčević explained a few days ago, Belgrade has not lifted the state of emergency since July 3, when it was introduced due to a large number of new cases during the second corona wave.

This information was confirmed for “Blic” by the coordinator of the city headquarters for emergency situations, Darko Glavas.


Mere: Regarding the measures in our capital, they do not differ significantly from those in force throughout the country, but what the city leaders highlight is that recently the controls of the catering facilities have been notably strengthened, which must be closed before 11 at night, which many times was not the case.

– The city of Belgrade insists on respecting the existing epidemiological measures in the fight against kovida-19, and all those who organize raft parties and spread the infection must be held criminally responsible – said Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić two days ago.

What happened in Belgrade?

Public transport is marked as one of the places with the highest risk of contagion, but it seems that in September we forgot about the obligation to wear masks in transport, enter through the front door and sit in the prescribed places.

Not even wearing masks in stores has become a surprise, not to mention keeping your distance. Infections are now becoming more common in schools, so the possible extension of the holidays will be the main topic for crisis staff today. The hot topic in the capital is the gathering of young people and the organization of parties, both private and in cafes and clubs. This is how we got to the biggest corona pump.

As the epidemiological situation began to worsen, the Crisis Team prohibited local governments from issuing “special permits” for the organization of celebrations, while in Belgrade, as in a parallel universe, nightlife developed as if there were no rules. was valid. All of this should have been resolved when, as announced, amendments to two key laws are introduced on November 10.

Apart from Belgrade, neither Valjevo nor Kragujevac extinguished the emergency situation of the second wave, which are again hot spots in this, the third wave.

Urban transportPhoto: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

Urban transport


Mere: The city in which an emergency situation is in force and that has not descended from the infamous throne for days, according to the number of infected, has long brought stricter measures in relation to the Republicans. Thus, catering facilities are open until 9:00 p.m., and in bakeries and fast food establishments, the physical distance between customers must be at least 1.5 m to 2 m. The use of protective masks is mandatory, both for buyers and sellers. Mass gatherings are prohibited and the maximum number of people in a place is 50.

What happened in Kragujevac?

What has brought Kragujevac back to the thankless place of the hotbed of infection? The real situation is that people on the street still do not massively respect protection measures. Indifferent behavior stops only at the entrance of an institution or store, because without a mask, they cannot step there. In parks, playgrounds, on benches you feel without distance.

– This summer we had a crown for many parties, weddings … Now there is a great risk because of the closed spaces, because of the cold. Vectors are also older, and it is difficult to know where they were infected. Once again, the problem is the meetings, and the novelty is that the virus is transmitted at work, not just at celebrations, Vojislav Antic, director of the Health Center in Kragujevac, told “Blic” earlier.

Health center ambulance-Kragujevac-Kovid2Photo: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

Health center ambulance-Kragujevac-Kovid2


Mere:The third wave did not bypass Valjevo, another city where an emergency situation is in force. As of the first week of October, a sudden infection began in this city, so that very shortly afterwards the measures in relation to those of the republic were hardened. Due to the increase in the number of new cases of corona virus infection, the Emergency Situations Headquarters of the city of Valjevo issued an order to shorten the working hours of the catering facilities until 9:00 p.m. One of the measures is to reduce the meeting, so that only five people are allowed in one place.

What happened in Valjevo?

The sudden increase in the number of patients, explained the Institute, is related to the group of patients of a private celebration in the vicinity of Valjevo, where there were about 60 guests, double the number allowed. Of these, 60 were confirmed in 25 participants. Furthermore, the crown spread from a small group, a shop where eight infected people were found, and then four members of a family became infected by contact with a proven source of infection, a relative from Belgrade who visited them.



At the beginning of the third wave, Bor, Rekovac, Aleksandrovac, Prokuplje and Novi Pazar declared a state of emergency. However, it is interesting that the last mentioned city of Novi Pazar was without an emergency situation for a whole day, after which it was declared again.

Novi Pazar

Mere: In this city, where there has been an emergency situation for a long time, with only one day of rest, the measures are in force as at the national level, but with additional control. In order to prevent and combat the coronary virus pandemic, and in accordance with the measures of the Government of Serbia, in the territory of Novi Pazar the supervision of economic entities and the control of compliance with measures in public places have been strengthened.

A special call to citizens refers to refraining from organizing and attending any type of celebrations, noting that the inspection services will strictly control these types of meetings, the announcement says.


Mere: A similar situation for Novi Pazar occurred in Trstenik. This city introduced the state of emergency on September 30, that is, it returned two weeks after the abolition. What has changed? The sports center in this city is closed, so there are no sporting events. The meeting is allowed for up to 5 people. Even in this city, cafes, restaurants, and other catering facilities cannot operate from 9pm to 6am.


Mere: In the last sessions of the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations, conclusions were drawn on the recommendations on the use of protective masks in the open air, the work of the restaurant and trade facilities until 9:00 p.m., the presence of up to 30 people in the closed space, are measures adopted by the municipal headquarters in Aleksandrovac when the state of emergency was declared in this city at the end of October.

It is interesting to note for this city that at the time of the decision, 13 of the 17 in this city were positive for the virus in one day.


Mere: This work declared a state of emergency in the last weeks of October. Regarding the measures, it is noted that all legal persons operating in the Bor territory are obliged to indicate in their facilities the number of people that can be found in the facility (one person for every 4 m2), and that they must designate a person responsible for controlling the implementation of the measures. , it is necessary to install hand and foot barriers and control the use of the mask.

“It turned out that the ranks of large and small retail chains, banks, post offices and public facilities do not respect the measures,” said then-mayor Aleksandar Milikić, adding that all measures taken by the city of Bor do not They go in the direction of preventing work or shortening Working Hours.

pine emergencyPhoto: Dejana Kecic / RAS Serbia

pine emergency

The order ordered the building managers, JKP for housing services “Bor” and JKP “3. oktobar” to start disinfecting common rooms in residential buildings, washing streets, squares, sidewalks and playgrounds.

A measure was introduced to prohibit the organization of ceremonies, all cultural, entertainment and sporting events with the public.


Mere: The latest in a series of municipalities to impose a state of emergency is the Kladovo municipality. The measures in force today are the following: mandatory use of protective masks indoors and in public transport, then prohibition of the gathering of more than five people indoors and outdoors. A measure was also introduced to prohibit the organization of ceremonies, as well as the holding of sporting and entertainment events with the audience. The order ordered those responsible for the building to begin to disinfect the common rooms of the collective housing buildings, while the obligation of the community companies is to disinfect the public areas where a greater number of people gather.

Yesterday the news resounded that there is a new corona hotspot in Serbia, in Kladovo, a city in the east of the country with just ten thousand inhabitants (the municipality has twice as many), in which up to 59 new infected people have been registered in the last 24 hours. Of this total number of new patients, 57 are from the same place: from the “Topalović” nursing home.

Strict measures also in Novi Sad

In today’s session, the city’s emergency headquarters presented four new measures and two recommendations, all of which are temporary and changeable in nature, said Novi Sad Mayor Miloš Vučević. In this city a state of emergency has not been imposed, but the measures have been tightened.

– We will put emphasis on the defense of schools and kindergartens, to preserve the combined classes, there will also be the transition of city services to work in two shifts, so as not to generate crowds. We will abolish spa centers and swimming pools again – he announced.
