What an ambulance worker he is!


– I’m scared, scared. He was completely drunk and left my son lying on the road, he is some kind of ambulance worker. Instead of trying to save him, he fled to save himself. My son was killed and he wasn’t even trampled on by an ant! the mother moaned through tears. Nikola Perić, the grandfather of victim Željko, broke down in pain and tried to comfort the young man’s mother, Vesna.

Zeljko Ristic (19) from the town of Sainovac near Doljevac was killed in a car accident, in front of his home, when a MP (38) from Sainovac allegedly hit him in a car on Monday night.

Željko Ristić
photo: Marko Smiljković

The accident occurred around 10:30 pm, when Ristic was returning home from work, and the MP, after hitting him with a “golf course”, continued without stopping. The police confirmed that the MP was under the influence of alcohol and, as we unofficially found out, he had 1.5 per thousand in blood.

– MP is employed in the emergency room, so everyone was surprised that he escaped after the accident. He was off duty Monday night, and was allegedly admitted to the toxicology department after the accident, and it was later revealed that he most likely ran over the young man and was detained, the source says.

Yesterday there was great sadness in the Ristic family, and as they say, Zeljko was killed 30 meters from the door.

– Željko was returning from work, he should have received his first salary. We wait for you at home. I was in a nightgown and I saw that an accident happened, some black thoughts went through my head … I got dressed and left the house. They stopped me, but they couldn’t, I had to reach for him, hug him. While my only son lay dead, that drunk got sober at the Health Center. We all feel terrible – says Grandma Dragica and continues:

– Zeljko was an example, well, worker. My sunshine, darling. He was dead, I tried to help him for half an hour, but I couldn’t. He closed my house!

The Superior Prosecutor’s Office detained the MP for 48 hours, until he appeared before the judge.

Kurir.rs/M. Smiljković

Photo by Kurir / Marko Smiljković

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
