WEST INCREASES THE PRESSURE: They are preparing three traps for Vučić and Belgrade!


According to our information, official Belgrade could soon face open demands to stop blocking Kosovo’s membership in international organizations, including the UN, as well as to stop acquiring Russian weapons and delaying the arrival of Chinese investments.

This kind of tightening of the rope in our country was practically announced by a concerned trio of Albanian lobbyists in Washington: outgoing Congressman Eliot Engel, former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and political analyst Daniel Server.

On Tuesday, at a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the recommendations of the administration of the future president of the United States, Joseph Biden, to carry out a policy towards the Western Balkans, they openly called on Serbia to leave to join the EU until it recognizes the independence of Kosovo, to renounce RS and break good ties with Moscow and Beijing.

Longtime Kosovo independence advocates Engel, Albright and Server “recommend” to Biden that he turn around the Serbian policy led by outgoing US leader Donald Trump and that the White House push the president harder. Serbian Aleksandar Vucic to be more cooperative on three key issues. topics: Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and “expel” Russia and China from the region.

President Vučić declared on Wednesday that there is no doubt that we will face increasingly difficult pressures and that we are in a difficult situation:

– I think it is now clear how correct I was when I said that the views of the Biden administration are not in favor of Serbia. We will face the greatest possible pressure when it comes to the recognition of Kosovo, I never hid that. Many in Serbia are happy about that, thinking that it is directed against me, and that it is directed against everyone in Serbia. Everyone would like Serbia to be weak and unimportant again, as it was in previous years.

The head of state added that he would not speak ill of either Engel or Albright:

– I expect great pressure when it comes to RS. We will fight the truth, I will not say anything bad about these people. Our job is to protect our interests. If I, as President of the Republic and without the consent of the Government, signed the Kosovo independence act, I would receive the Nobel Peace Prize and I would be the greatest democrat in this part of the world. To say that Srpska does not have any support from Serbia and will not get any help, only then would I be a Democrat and become beautiful.

Our interlocutors say that in certain political circles in the United States there is an obvious attempt to revive the old blackmails towards Serbia and put them at the top of the political agenda, not only in Washington, but also in the European Union. Engel, Albright and Server also called on the EU to launch an “offensive” against the region, especially Serbia, together with the United States.

Judging by the latest movements of the Union, this call will have a positive response. First, new chapters with Serbia were halted on Tuesday at the end of the year, and a draft European Commission report on Kosovo by rapporteur Viola von Cramon was released on Wednesday, urging five EU members who have not recognized the independence of the southern province to do so.

Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic explains for “Novosti” that Biden is now expected to follow his policy in sync with Germany, unlike Trump, who followed an independent policy and paid no attention to the EU:

– Albanian and Sarajevo lobbies, along with partners in the US and the EU, are trying to pressure Biden, but also European structures, to jointly put the Kosovo issue at the top of the list and take action against Serbia. Our country must react with energy to these attempts, because if we show weakness, they will put much more pressure on us. A clear signal must be sent that if the pressures continue to be more radical, we will turn to Moscow and Beijing and abandon EU integration.

Dejan S. Miletić of the Center for the Study of Globalization tells us that it is clear that the hawks of post-Clinton politics have raised their heads again:

– The policy they propose has already proven wrong, even for the interests of the United States. Albanian and Bosnian lobbyists, as well as structures that were marginalized during Trump, seem to yearn for some revenge and a new complication of the situation in our region. I see no space for such action, because Serbia will not renounce its national and natural interests. There is no pressure that can achieve the results that some in the West obviously want. I don’t see what benefits they can get from the pressure on Serbia and the Serbian people. Unless your goal is to bring Serbia into the hands of Russia and China.


It is also interesting that the outgoing head of the Congressional Foreign Relations Committee, Eliot Engel, in one part of his speech indirectly defended Hashim Thaci and others who are currently in The Hague facing charges for terrible crimes committed in Kosovo. Engel said Serbia is guilty of most of the crimes committed in the region and called for the court’s mandate for the crimes of the former KLA to be expanded to include crimes committed in Serbia, including the murder of three Bytyci brothers, US citizens.


The Server had a particularly sharp presentation before the Foreign Relations Commission of Congress. He openly called for the overthrow of President Vučić, if, as he said, “he still prefers autocracy and cooperation with Russia and China.” The server even said that “Serbian citizens, who are more concerned about their affairs than Kosovo and Bosnia, should help bring about change in the country.”

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