Were more than 50 guests invited to the coming of age celebration? And then the communal police approached them


VRANJE – Despite the complex epidemiological situation in which it finds itself due to the coronavirus, Vranje faces the irresponsibility of some citizens who in this situation do not renounce to organize celebrations and gatherings in some restaurants. The coming of age celebration with more than 50 guests was prevented in time by the communal police of that city.

The head of the Communal Police in Vranje, Ivica Taskovic, tells Kurir that there were a couple of appearances in the previous days when the communal police reacted on the basis of reports and ordered to empty the premises in accordance with the new Law on Protection of the Population Against Infectious Diseases.

Taskovic highlights the case of December 3, when in the early morning hours, the Communal Police received three reports that the scheduled festivities would be held in three catering establishments in the coming days.

“To avoid undesirable situations, we act preventively by sending patrols to visit the catering establishments and talk with the owners and show them that the communal police received complaints about the festivities and that they should postpone them. in one of these facilities. A communal police patrol went out into the field with a sanitary inspector to verify the complaints.

photo: TS

It was established in the place where the festivities had already begun, the celebration of 18 years, and the guests were present. We request the help of members of the Ministry of the Interior. They went out to the place with their patrols. The sanitary inspector issued a misdemeanor order to the owner of the catering facility. For our part, absence orders were issued to all the adults who were in the celebration for failure to comply with personal protection measures, that is, not wearing a protective mask and not respecting distance at the table, ”says Taskovic.

The festivities were interrupted, not even celebrated. We ordered our verbal order, to which we are entitled according to the Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, and the facility was emptied with the assistance of members of the Ministry of the Interior. It all ended around 4 pm The entire procedure for drafting foul warrants lasted two hours, legitimizing those present invited by the police so that later we could write foul warrants ”, explains Taskovic.

photo: TS

More than 50 guests were on the premises in celebration of the 18th birthday, and all adult citizens present were sanctioned, issued misdemeanor orders.

The fines for legal persons amount to 300,000, for a responsible person in a legal entity 50,000 dinars. For a businessman it is 150,000, and for natural persons for breach of the personal protection measure, the fine is 5,000 dinars.


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