According to the new legal solution, this decision is the responsibility of the Minister of Health and is made by special decree. The law also prescribes penalties for those who, in such a case, would refuse mandatory immunization.
The amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases will be presented tomorrow before the deputies of the Serbian Parliament, and in addition to the prescribed powers of communal inspectors and police officers, as well as clear provisions on quarantine and home isolation , the most important part of the law is immunization.
– In accordance with article 33 of the Law for the protection of the population against infectious diseases, emergency immunization, which may be recommended or mandatory, is ordered by an act of the Minister of Health, in accordance with the recommendations of the Organization of Health, at the proposal of the Serbian Institute of Public Health. Commission for Infectious Diseases – says the acting director of the Institute of Public Health of Milan Jovanović “Trampoline” Verica Jovanović.
He adds that taking into account the above, as well as the fact that vaccines against Kovid 19 are still in the clinical trial phase, when the vaccine is registered for use in the population, the Minister’s order will define whether emergency immunization against Kovid 19 will be mandatory. or recommended. Mandatory vaccination has just been mentioned in the reforms to the Law, which will be discussed in the Assembly tomorrow.
“In the event of an outbreak of a statutory contagious disease or other contagious diseases, the recommended or mandatory emergency immunization against that contagious disease may be determined for all people, or for certain categories of people, if the risk is determined of transmission of this contagious disease, as and in the case of the introduction of a certain contagious disease to the country, in accordance with the plans for elimination and maintenance of the eradication status of certain contagious diseases ”, states the law.
In the previous vaccination schedule, mandatory vaccination was planned for people at special risk of diseases: hepatitis B, influenza, meningococcal diseases, diseases caused by streptococcal pneumonia and hemophilus influenza B, chickenpox, infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus.
In the amendments to the Law, in addition to those mentioned, “other infectious diseases” are also mentioned, and among other infectious diseases in the new amendments to the law, Kovid 19 is also classified as an infectious disease that is transmitted by air. Therefore, in practice, a special act of the Minister of Mandatory Immunization is also foreseen for this virus.
– According to article 85 of the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, a fine of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars is foreseen for a natural person if he refuses mandatory immunization at a certain age, as well as a person physical that does not act in accordance with the rules, decisions or orders. according to this law, which determines the measures of protection of the population against infectious diseases, which would probably be the case when it comes to compulsory emergency immunization by order of the Minister of Health – explains Dr. Jovanovic.
More powers of the Minister
According to amendments to any law, the Minister of Health has broader powers and the possibility to adopt certain measures.
At the proposal of the Commission and the Office, the Minister may order:
a) prohibition of meeting in public places
b) restricting the movement of the population in the area affected by the emergency situation;
c) travel ban or restriction;
g) prohibition or restriction of trade in certain types of goods and products;
d) emergency vaccination;
f) Personal protection measures against infection.
In order to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases in the country, suppress and prevent their transmission to other countries, the Minister, at the proposal of the Commission and the Institute, may order measures to protect the population from infectious diseases, as follows way:
1) a ban on traveling to a country where there is an epidemic of an infectious disease;
2) prohibition of population movement, that is, restriction of population movement in the area affected by a certain contagious disease, that is, epidemic of that contagious disease;
3) prohibition or restriction of trade in certain types of goods and products;
4) mandatory participation of health institutions, other forms of health activities, other legal entities, businessmen and citizens in the control of infectious diseases and the use of certain facilities, equipment and means of transport for the control of infectious diseases ;
5) Mandatory medical examination, laboratory examination or submission of laboratory examination reports upon entering the country from certain countries.
Photo EPA / Ettore Ferrari

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