WE’RE BAD STUDENTS: A well-known psychiatrist warned of our attitude toward the crown and revealed the shocking details of the medical workers’ struggle.


The countries of Europe are slowly closing again. For a time the bans on going out at night were introduced, in Spain the epidemic is once again out of control, Slovenia is closing kindergartens, hotels, boutiques … In our country there are also measures, but there are many people who do not respects them.

Vladimir Diligenski points out that culturally we are those people and that there are always at least five to ten percent of those who will do the opposite of what is said. He also points out that something like this cannot happen in Japan or Germany, where people are much more disciplined.

– That cultural factor really plays an important role. You know that in some countries, like New Zealand, it is absolutely under control since the beginning of the epidemic, explains the neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist Diligenski.

He believes that regardless of attractiveness, there are always a number of people who will not, and not much can be changed.

“Great uncertainty, results only given by distance and mask”

The general impression, however, the doctor estimates, is that some care is excellent and fear subsides in some way, because this is our third call. the extraordinary system that we are entering and we are a little tired of everything.

– To make people less burdened, they have some experience and it will still happen at some point, so it’s a bit of a relief. However, the numbers are inevitable. more and more patients come, there will be a lot of everything – warns Diligenski.

He adds that the uncertainty is great, and that we do not know when all this will end, some say 2024, some in summer.

He advises constant restrictive measures, because people will continue to have some parties. So he constantly appeals, repeats several times on television that people adhere to these measures because that is the only thing that works: distance and mask.

“Being on a respirator is not a naive story”

The doctor states that the “Dragiša Mišović” hospital has a consultation service that visits patients who need psychological help, as well as an organized service that helps employees, mainly nurses, through very difficult situations.

– When someone dies on a shift that is very young, a nurse who invested a lot emotionally to try to save him from dying, cannot see reason, it happens that he begins to vomit and these psychiatric interventions are necessary – Dr. Diligenski’s experiences.

He estimates that there was a lot of useful experience, but he also highlights, as he himself says, “God forbid something like that to come back again.” He also believes that the current cases are somewhat less intense than what they have been through.

He also points out that they have a lot of experience with those who have already been crowned. Subsequently, the patients present intense headaches, anxiety, panic disorder, depression, due to being in close contact with death.

– Being on a respirator is not a naive story, patients fall asleep during that time, suddenly they wake up with some new facts. Some refused a respirator and died like this, I know of several cases. The consequences are a bit longer-term, there is always a problem with the action of the heart, a complication and encephalitis is common, so inflammation of the brain also occurs, and with that there are several consequences – warned Diligenski.

He reiterated that for people who don’t understand all of that, it should be repeated as much as possible. He also pointed out that there is a lot of fear, but that the older ones are the best and they stick to the measure.

He emphasized that the number of suicides has increased, and that this is mainly shown in the US data, where the rate has increased. Anxiety increased by 30-40 percent, depression by 50, suicide attempt and performance by approximately 35 percent.

Diligenski especially emphasizes that attention must be paid to a non-medical factor, and that is the loss of a job.

He also warns that moving the clock greatly affects our behavior, puts us in anxiety, depression and the percentage of heart attacks is much higher.


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