Welcome Organizers: Nothing New Years Celebration – Economy


Although some catering companies invite guests to welcome 2021, the rules for the craziest night have not yet been determined, the response from citizens is symbolic

In tomorrow’s session, the Crisis Staff will decide what measures will be in force for the new year, but the fact that it is not known with certainty until seven days before the reception, shows that hotels and restaurants will not see even a fraction of the I work as in previous years. .

Welcome organizers: There is nothing from the New Years celebration 1Photo: FoNet / Kostadin Kamenov

A member of the Crisis Staff, Branislav Tiodorović, said the day before yesterday that the measures would depend on the number of people in hospitals, newly infected, as well as the number of first examinations.

“As for the New Year, we are thinking about it, but it also depends on several factors, and we will talk about it on Friday,” Tiodorovic said.

Although in recent weeks in the media and on the portals articles were published that the places for New Year’s Eve were sold out, it seems that it was more based on publicity than according to reality.

From one of the organizers of the reception in the bars of Belgrade, we heard that apparently “there will be nothing of the New Year.

Two very important groups for caterers in previous years were foreign tourists and our diaspora people returning home for the New Years and Christmas holidays.

Now, with the latest measures, a negative PCR test or a ten-day quarantine is required to enter the country.

“Few tickets are sold. People call, book, but do not pay in advance, because they are waiting to see if celebrations are allowed. People from abroad will not come in large numbers, because they need a test or go to quarantine, and then they run the risk of not getting back to work on time if they have to be quarantined there again. But above all, the question is whether receptions will be allowed. There is not even two weeks to go until the New Year, and nothing is known, so Therefore, there is nothing of the payments. In normal times, there is no place anywhere on December 15 “, said our interlocutor, who wanted to remain anonymous.

In recent years, Belgrade has become recognizable for New Years Eve in the clubs, and they are still hoping there will be some of that this year too.

Last year, according to Belgrade officials, as many as 130,000 tourists came for the New Year.

The director of Hotel M, Desimir Popović, points out that young people from Croatia, Slovenia, Greece and Bulgaria stayed with them during the New Year, who would then go to the city to receive them.

“There is none of that this year. We are still waiting to see if the celebration will be allowed, if it is ready we are. Although even now it is too late for people to decide to be welcomed,” Popović estimates.

Miodrag Popović, director of the Belgrade Tourism Organization, does not expect a significant influx of tourists.

“There will be sporadic visits and now you can see tourists around the city, but nothing as close as in previous years. The arrangements are such that organized receptions are not possible, although we hope to see what will be decided on Friday. TOB participated in over 700 events in 2019, and you can see what it’s like this year. There will also be no Open Heart Street, where, for example, there were 140,000 people on Svetogorska Street on January 1, “Popović notes.

However, on specialized websites, the New Year’s Eve deals with live music, food and drink attract those who dare to celebrate in the city.

In restaurants a place with dinner and drinks with live music costs from 35 to 50 and even 80 euros.

Hotels significantly less known than last year announce a welcome with prices of 80 to 100 euros per person. Although business is bad, prices have remained similar to last year.

When there are no New Year celebrations, not only do catering companies lose, but hairstyles are not done, dresses and suits are not bought, restaurants do not prepare food …

On the other hand, with the epidemiological situation that we have, not only in Serbia, but also in Europe, with a tense healthcare system, the crisis staff session on Friday will not bring significant changes in terms of limiting meetings and hours. working of catering facilities.

Relic: By canceling the debts, they would save 20% of the premises.

The president of the Association of Bars and Clubs, Miša Relić, told Danas that they received unofficial information that restaurants, discos and bars will be able to work until 11 at night, and that if the number of infected organizations drops, the celebrations New Year’s Eve will be possible until one in the morning.

“Everyone will try to celebrate the New Year, if it is allowed, because they have no other choice. Now everything we earn goes to expenses, maintenance, rents, taxes. The clubs and bars have not been open since March 15, and during in the summer, only facilities that had open spaces were open, so people are in an unenviable position. If you work with a guest on four square meters, then you have an 80 percent reduction in work, “he says Relić, adding that they have had 30 rule changes since March.

“Specifically, I had nine scheduled concerts that we moved, transferred and finally canceled. Every event that I schedule pays for advertising and if you cancel the performance it does not delay the payment of the advertising. We have no other option, so we have to work when the government allows it. We resent being presented as a hotbed of contagion, ”Relić complains.

As our interlocutor points out, nobody thinks about the costs it has and “we are badly perceived as places with huge profits.”

Relic says that the Association of Nightclubs and Bars believes that catering services must be freed from unnecessary costs urgently.

“It would be appropriate for the city of Belgrade not to charge rent or charge only 20 per cent in the months when we were unable to work.” Also, if we had an 80 percent reduction in business, overhead should be reduced by the same amount. It’s a fair relationship that it should be. Something similar was done in Novi Sad, and the city of Belgrade gave us a discount for a total of four months when we couldn’t work. As for the minimum, the ministry cannot give us the minimum for December, and then collect contributions of 36,000 dinars from us for December and January from workers who are prohibited from working, “says Reljić, recalling that 30% of the clubs are already closed, some permanently, and others dormant until spring.As he explains, by canceling debts, the state would save at least 20 percent of stores and, by giving a minimum, give many a chance to survive until spring. M. Pudar

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