“We will try to make the Evzoni OPEN”


The director of the National Association of Tourism Agencies of Serbia (YUTA), Aleksandar Senicic, announced today that he would discuss with the Greek Minister of Tourism, Haris Teoharis, who will visit Serbia next week, the conditions for Serbian citizens to enter Greece. , as well as the possible scenarios. in case the country closes the border this summer.

– We hope that all vaccines will be accepted, but also the antibody test, which is cheaper than the PCR test. We will try to open the Evzoni border crossing – Senicic told Tanjug, recalling the claims of the Greek authorities that they do not have the technical possibilities to carry out occasional tests at that crossing, unlike the crossing over Bulgaria, which Serbian tourists use less. often.

Greek Minister Teoharis, who will visit Serbia on Monday, previously announced that Greece will open its borders on May 14 and that a health certificate will be needed to enter the country, but that random tests will also be carried out.

Senicic also recalls the law introduced last year, according to which Greek catering services can withhold money from agreements paid until January 1 next year, stating that it will ask the Greek minister to clarify whether the state will regulate it, as well as what will happen with the payments. this summer in case something goes wrong.

– Some received compensation for the past year, some vouchers. We are interested in whether the state can help those who did not use the vouchers, if it will pressure the catering service providers who have private accommodation and hoteliers to pay off their debts before January 1, when they have the obligation to return the money to agencies and agencies. to travelers. It will be with the money we pay if something happens during the season – says Senicic.

Aleksandar Senicic

Photo: Tanja Valić / Tanjug

Aleksandar Senicic

He warns that there could be problems between agencies and travelers in case the Greek caterers decide not to work this summer, without really receiving only our guests.

– What travel agencies in Serbia fear is the possibility that, despite the regulations approved by the government, the catering companies decide to sell in another market, that is, to receive tourists who have to pay, such as Romanians and Bulgarians , and pay our people. of their earnings January – says the director of YUTA.

Although there were allegations that Greece would “test” the opening of borders for some countries with a high vaccination rate in mid-April, Senicic believes that such a thing is unlikely, since at that time it is only planned to relax measures for citizens. Greeks. as well as.

What about real estate owners?

However, as he says, a model should be made before May 15, according to which people who have real estate in Greece, as well as owners of travel agencies, could enter that country.

– As for Serbian citizens who have real estate in Greece, they can enter the country with a special document from the embassy and a mandatory PCR test, but since the measures there are very rigorous, most people have not taken advantage of this opportunity so far. On the other hand, agency workers and agency owners who have a contract with Greek partners, but have not seen them for months, should see each other before the season – concludes Senicic.
