“We will soon see the results of relaxation among citizens, all Jure workers will be evaluated”: Dr. Tiodorović on the current epidemiological situation | Society


Tanjug The |

May 14, 2020 08:44 |

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Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović assessed that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is still uncertain.

NIS – Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic estimated that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is still uncertain, considering that the corona virus is still present, noting that all Leskovac’s Jure workers will be evaluated.

“There are fewer people infected and even less risk of infection. But there is still that possibility. There are people who carry the virus without even knowing it. Therefore, our emphasis will be on testing to reach these asymptomatic people,” said Tiodorović. for RTS.

He said that hot spots like Leskovac would be and that they were of interest for intensive monitoring, and announced that the 2,850 Jure de Leskovac workers would be evaluated.

“In this way, we will avoid the possible spread of infections. We have 67 positive people, all of them young with very rare cases of severe clinical symptoms,” said Tiodorović.

He adds that the relaxation that currently exists in the population will bring results at the end of next week, and it will be seen if there has been an increase in infection.

He stated that the proposal of the crisis personnel is to open the borders for four neighboring countries, Albania, northern Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, as of June 1, and that this requires the flow of people, goods and services.

He says the additional evaluation will be after June 15, when, he adds, the EU also predicted that borders could be opened and air traffic could begin.
