We will refill hospitals in 10-15 days and young people will die if we are not careful


We will probably have an increase in the number of people suffering from kovid in 10-15 days due to the return of our people from holidays from Croatia and Albania where the number of infected people has increased significantly. How dangerous it is is also clear from the fact that Austria has banned its citizens from going to the counties of Zadar and Split. And a few days later, there will be illnesses for those who return from Montenegro, because it has only recently opened its borders to us.

And there is a huge jump in the number of patients, with only 628,000 inhabitants, there are 264 infected per day. We must be very careful and respect the measures so that we do not fill the hospitals again. If we are not responsible, our young people will die again, as during the strongest blow in July – says the epidemiologist professor in an interview for Kurir. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

Does that mean that we will be quarantined for returnees from abroad?

– Home isolation is currently mandatory for all those who test positive for the corona, but not for the hospital. That hasn’t changed yet. And those who come from the summer holidays, as soon as they have a problem or doubt, should call Kovid’s ambulance, so that the doctor can determine if they are for home isolation or for the hospital. Whoever has absolutely no difficulties or doubts, can move freely. And now it is dangerous, but if the situation drastically worsens in the countries where they come from, we will have to do something and that could be the quarantine. People have to understand that you cannot cross the border as if you were crossing the street.

For all students who have someone with difficulties or something positive in the family, regardless of whether the child has no symptoms, the recommendation of isolation at home is maintained for 10 to 14 days. It’s not terrible that she doesn’t go to school for two or three days, especially since she has online classes. Schools are currently the safest place in Serbia when it comes to the crown. The students wear masks, the distance is respected. Only all parents should be responsible and do not send their children if there is something suspicious in the family or the test result is awaited.

Shock in january

When to expect a corona and flu collision? – I hope it’s not a terrible blow. The flu season is at its peak only in January-February, so the strongest hit at that time could be expected.

To the students?

– And there are no problems with the students. Five of them were suspects in Nis, we isolated them in separate rooms for two days until the results came back, which are negative. As of October 1, the academic community will decide how the classes will develop. It is clear that not everything can be done online, that many schools, such as medicine, must have exercises, practical classes. Today, there is only caution in Serbia, but not panic. People got used to the crown, gained experience and that is why I am optimistic. The second is that you always have up to 10 percent of those who break everything. These are the profiles of people who, if you tell them that jumping is forbidden in Niagara Falls, they say: “Who will forbid me!”

Does that mean that punishment is the only cure?

– You have to work with people. I am against punishment because it has the opposite effect on Serbs. The punishment should be when it comes to a state of emergency, a situation. And so you have to talk, talk and talk all the time.

And people will not respect the measures …

– The rafts are full, I often get shot, no distances, no masks. They ask me if there is live music in the cafe. It is possible, but that the orchestra is a meter and a half or two away, the singer eight meters from the first table. They say what a pleasure it is when they don’t sing to your ears. And only when we speak, the drops go from one meter to one and a half meters apart. But as soon as someone starts yelling, like in a stadium, or singing, like in a pub, that spray reaches at least eight meters, and probably more.

Otherwise, that is why it is important not to enter the house with shoes. Together with those from abroad, of which, as some say, there are 100,000, these clubs, cafes, rafts can make us like the third peak, along with those who spent their summers in the mountains, lakes, spas, where attention has been calmed down, and then again. we get into a situation like in July, we fill hospitals and our young people die.

They are blocking cities, and up to 75,000 Serbs are on vacation in Montenegro, one in three is positive

In the last 24 hours, 219 new corona virus infections have been recorded in Montenegro. The director of the Institute of Public Health, Boban Mugoša, says that in the past few days, nearly 30 percent of those tested tested positive for the corona virus! Mugoša noted “that action must be taken and that he fears a new lock will be reached, especially in cities where the spread of the virus is highest.”

What can be very worrying for Serbia is undoubtedly the fact that there are currently up to 75,000 Serbian citizens in Montenegro.

Do we create at least herd immunity like this?

– We are far from that. That requires a study of at least 100,000 people, so let’s say we have immunity. According to data from the Serbian study from two months ago, which is still ongoing, we only had six percent in Belgrade, 7.8 percent in western Serbia, four in eastern Serbia, and seven in southern Serbia. It is clear that immunity will not be without the vaccine.

The prestigious University of Oxford has suspended the final clinical trial of the vaccine after a volunteer fell ill.

– There are many in the race for the vaccine, but the most serious are the Chinese, the Russian, the American and this one from Oxford. That is exactly why, after the animal tests, the third phase takes place: tests in humans, volunteers, to see the post-vaccination reactions and the possible side effects. Although Oxford is a serious player, he has had side effects and it is good that he was temporarily suspended to work on the vaccine repair. The Russians will test it on 400,000 people, the Chinese will test it on their army …

But they say that it will depend on us, that the third phase of tests will also be in Serbia. What do you say to that?

– We must be the users of the vaccine, the best and safest that will be produced, and not anyone’s third phase. Everything during the exam is a company secret and vaccinations are serious business. To accept it, you must have complete documentation, the so-called monitoring: how it was examined, where, the results …

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Photo: Nemanja Nikolić

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