“We will no longer see the Russians extract oil for a small change, we will review the agreement.”


The Vojvodina League of Social Democrats points out that a review of the Energy Agreement that Serbia made with the Russian company Gazpromneft should start in Serbia.

Source: B92

Photo: Depositphotos, crstrbrt

Photo: Depositphotos, crstrbrt

They say that this deal is to the detriment of the citizens of Serbia, and that the review should be started, because it is a published fact that the Serbian oil industry is by far the most profitable company in Serbia.

“The citizens of Serbia were harmed by a bad deal with a Russian company when, due to political realignments and the situation in Kosovo, NIS was ceded to the Russians at any reasonable price, in exchange for, according to politicians and analysts, their it helps to avoid their separation and independence, “he said. She is a member of the Main Board of LSV Nevena Suboti.

The Vojvodina League of Social Democrats appeals to all political factors not to argue about who signed the Energy Agreement and when, but to try to repair the damage.

“The irreparable consequences of the use of illicit extraction technologies used by the Russian company have already caused ecological and material damage in our country. It is time to stop it. If there is something, it is a promise of the citizens of our country for such unscrupulous exploitation” the Russians compensated. losses, suffered by the state for such a low mineral rent of 3%, when it is 7% by law, and in the world it is 20 or 30%, that this government presents it to the public. ”

“The value of NIS was estimated at 2.2 billion euros, and it was sold for 400 million euros, with its assets, service stations and oil and gas reserves, worth about seven billion euros. How inappropriate and deviant is this amount? It can be illustrated by the fact that NIS was sold for the value of two Copernicus televisions. That is why the Vojvodina League of Social Democrats demands a revision of the Energy Agreement done to the detriment of the citizens of Serbia, and if that is not possible, its termination ”, says Subotieva.
