
Photo: Profimedia, Nemanja Nikolic
This mainly refers to about 100,000 of our citizens who are currently on vacation in Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania, and are the biggest threat to the reappearance of the coronavirus.
Crisis personnel issued a recommendation that everyone, after entering Serbia, should go to the Kovid ambulance for an examination and remain in isolation for the next 10 days. Although some members of the Crisis Staff thought the day before that the best solution was to introduce self-isolation subject to control and sanction, as in a state of emergency, a compromise solution was reached, according to which no sanctions will be introduced for violating the measurements. However, if citizens begin to violate the mass isolation measure and spread the virus, the state will be forced to introduce the strictest punishment: quarantine. The Serbian government should adopt a new crisis personnel measure before Friday.
As a reminder, starting Friday at 6 p.m., health surveillance will be introduced for citizens of Serbia returning from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and other European countries where the number of people infected with the virus is growing. coronavirus.
This does not imply an institutionalized quarantine, nor a mandatory measure of self-isolation, but only the obligation that all “returnees” report to the covidity clinic of the parent health center within 24 hours, regardless of whether they present symptoms of infection. . They remain under supervision for 10 days, during which, according to certain dynamics, they must inform the epidemiologist about their health status. Those who are determined to be infected, but do not have to undergo hospital treatment, are required to remain in self-isolation, also for 10 days.
However, epidemiologist Dr. Branislav Tiodorović points out that the measures will be more rigorous and that even quarantine can be considered for tourists coming on summer vacations.
– Everyone will receive instructions and an appeal to report to the Kovid clinic within 24 hours, where the doctors will conduct a detailed examination and, based on the results, give instructions for subsequent behaviors. The “Trampolín” Institute is in charge of giving the instructions, and the health centers and kovid-ambulance will clearly obtain all the details. When we look at all the countries where our people have stayed, we are talking about 100,000 tourists. We pin our hopes on personal responsibility and situational awareness. If there is a worsening in those countries, we will opt for more pronounced measures with the application of adequate health supervision, which includes quarantine from the autumn, says Dr. Tiodorović.
What awaits those returning from vacation after 6 pm on September 18
* Whoever returns to Serbia on Friday, September 18, after 6 pm, will receive a ten-day isolation instruction * The citizen is obliged to go to the kovid clinic within 24 hours after his return from abroad * It is carried out a medical examination at the kovid health center or ambulance in the municipality where the passenger resides * If the person has no problems, he is sent home and advised to isolate himself for 10 days * If the person has problems, the doctor take a lung scan, check blood count and do a PCR test * If the doctor suspects kovid-19, said person is sent to the Infectious Diseases Clinic * All who are infected abroad, instead of a 100 percent paid sick leave, they will receive only 65 percent of salary
– Considering that this is a large number of our citizens who will come from the summer holidays, we can expect to have a little congestion, but the institutes are ready to accept the obligations. As before, there is a red zone for those with problems and a yellow zone for those who were at a certain risk location where there are a greater number of patients and who have no problems, says a crisis staff member.
Dr. Zarko Rankovic, an infectious disease specialist, agrees that quarantine is the only solution for “disobedient” tourists. According to him, this measure will be inevitable if they do not respect the Government’s recommendations and do not take care of their own health, but also that of others.
– People must understand that we are still in the corona epidemic and that it is important not to relax at any time! That is why it is important that all citizens return from the sea before Friday and follow all the recommendations and advice of the Crisis Staff. This includes a mandatory visit to Kovid’s clinic and self-isolation for a few days in case they become infected. They are literally a time bomb considering they come from the most infected areas – Dr. Ranković notes and warns:
– Although the Government has not yet adopted it, if they are not responsible and conscientious, the quarantine has been the definitive solution since the fall! We must not allow the virus to spread, to go directly to the summer vacation community, to send their children to schools and kindergartens. That is why they will be closed, they will receive 65% of the employer’s salary, they will be strictly controlled.
Photo by Profimedia, Nemanja Nikolic

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