“WE WILL HAVE MORE DEAD” In this Serbian city, entire families are infected en masse, great pressure on hospitals


The number of positives for the corona virus in Kraljevo is approaching 5,000 and the number of asymptomatic cases is estimated to be eight to 10 times higher.

Dr. Radovan Čekanac, epidemiologist and member of the Emergency Situations Headquarters, hopes that this situation will continue for another 10 days and that fewer infected people can be expected later.

Cekanac told RTS that he expects a lot of pressure on hospitals.

– There will be much more serious cases at the end of the month. And sadly, I think we will have many more deaths. The largest number of new cases registered are expected cases and cases of contacts, because the virus has entered families. I think there is no family where it has not been transmitted to one, and we also have entire families of those infected, Čekanac explains.

As of yesterday, there are 238 more people in Kraljevo who have been shown to have the virus.

At the General Hospital, 72 patients are being treated for kovida 19 and seven are in intensive care.

So far, the virus has been detected in 28 users and nine employees of the Gerontology Center.
