We will clean everything, first of all those of the state structures that help criminal clans


MESSAGE FROM VUCIC TO THE MAFIA: We will clean up everything, first of all those of the state structures that help criminal clans

Photo: Nemanja Nikolić, Damir Dervišagić

President Aleksandar Vučić said yesterday that the state’s war with the mafia had largely started, but he also warned that the most ferocious part of that fight would be exposing individuals from state structures that help criminal clans for money.

He said competent authorities have information on who committed the murder of Bojan M. in New Belgrade on Thursday near the Belleville settlement.

photo: Zorana Jevtić, Social networks

Contacts in the country

– We know who committed that murder and the search for that person continues. The interesting thing is that both the last person killed and the one killed in Usce had important contacts with certain people from state structures. And that fight against crime will be the fiercest, it will not be short, but all the results will be seen there – emphasized Vučić.

The two murders mentioned are among the brutal liquidations of criminal clan members on the streets of Belgrade. On October 17, Aleksandar Šarac, allegedly a member of the international gang of robbers Pink Panthers, who had been targeted by assassins three times before, was shot in the parking lot of the “Ušće” shopping center. Bojan M., who was killed on Thursday, was reportedly close to the Skaljar clan and, together with Šarc, purchased vehicles for liquidations and provided the logistics to organize the killings on behalf of the “Skaljars”.

photo: Nemanja Nikolic, Instagram Printscreen

Imported clans

Vučić said that the fight against crime had just begun, which is why he revealed that people who were in high positions in one of the clans who tried to kill former leader of Partizan fans, Nenad Alajbegović Alibeg, were arrested on 7 November.

– It is not always simple or easy, we have imported clans. Today it is a fight between carriers and it is mostly imported, and these are our contractors both in terms of drug sales and shooters. It’s our job to clean it up and that’s what we’re going to do. And first, those who cooperate with murderers and criminals and receive money from them to allow them to pass through certain roads, the logistics and information about other criminal clans must be cleaned up. We will clean everything. The mafia will be defeated – said the president, noting that the spirits were obviously agitated after the assassination attempt (Radoje Zvicera, ed.) In Ukraine.

photo: detective-info.com.ua, Printscreen

It should be remembered that Zvicer survived the injuries in Sacekusa on May 23, and this murder is also related to the clan war, considering that Zvicer is supposedly one of the leaders of the Kavac clan.

Weighing new measures


– We are doing something because we care about the state. When you talk about health and the difficult situation, you should know that today we are becoming the fifth in Europe in terms of success in the fight against kovid, until yesterday we were sixth. We were able to assess what the correct measure is, lose nothing to the economy, and worry about how people will survive and survive economically. When we close restaurants and cafes, they said why we do it, when you don’t close, you are guilty of not closing – the president of Serbia commented on speculation about the introduction of new measures against the coronavirus.

Big deal for Serbia


A cornerstone was laid yesterday for the construction of an intermodal terminal in Batajnica. At the ceremony, Vučić explained that this is a project that will mean a lot for Serbia:

– I have never understood that terminology, what that intermodal terminal means, and in reality it is like a kind of dry port where goods will be reloaded. Vienna has three of these, and Germany has about a hundred, that’s how valuable it is. This is the first in Serbia and the Western Balkans. Thanks to the EU and its citizens for the funds they gave us here.

One-time help and raising of heroes


The 10,000 dinar aid for all health workers will be paid no later than next Friday, the president announced.

– That’s about 12 million euros. We have prepared the money, the government’s decision has been made. Some ministries did not present their decisions, but in the next seven days, the money will be in the accounts of all health workers – emphasized Vučić.

As he said, starting on January 1, wages for medical workers will increase by an additional five percent, and for all other public sector employees, the increase will be 3.5 percent. He also said that he would ask for the most severe punishment for people who assaulted the doctor at the Belgrade Infectious Disease Clinic.

On accusations that he wants a war


Speaking about the misinterpretations of his statements on Kosovo and Metohija and the accusations that he was calling for war, Vučić said that he always spoke about the need to avoid the politics of a frozen conflict:

– For me it is important to keep the peace, that is the policy of Serbia, as well as what we are talking about today, and that is that Serbia will be the best in Europe in the next three years, we will see it in the next five years. We want to offer peace and a solution, not a frozen conflict. And when you fake something, you obviously have other problems.

Kurir.rs/ Ivana Kljajić Photo: Nemanja Nikolić, Damir Dervišagić

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