“We will certainly take some measures, we will refrain from contacts for the next seven days.”


It has been a year since the crown appeared, we have learned something that we did not. We have been through something, we are about to go through something. Our citizens only need to understand one thing, that we are currently in such a situation that we will only get a result if we cut off contacts in the next five to seven days. I would ask all the citizens of Serbia to understand this and not wait for someone to prescribe measures on how you should behave, Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said before the TV Pink crisis staff session.

As he explained, the best solution is to abstain from any meeting to avoid infections, and then wait in lines, and that it is only necessary to stop contacts for a few days.

– Certainly we will bring some measures, but it is much more important that every citizen understands that the situation will depend on him. We don’t have to go to non-urgent meetings, you can do a lot online, not to mention going to parties. I don’t know if the people who organize the parties realize what they are doing, we will take care of that, they will end up in jail for that. But I also ask people not to go to parties, be patient so that we can seize the opportunity we have with vaccines, Lončar said.

It is necessary, as he says, that when we get vaccinated, especially after the first dose, we wait for the second dose, that there is no relaxation, to be sure that we have a sufficient level of antibodies to be protected from the corona. . Tomorrow is exactly one year since the virus appeared and, as he explained, the challenges were everyday.

– The challenges were every day, the most important thing was to get the equipment, then the challenge with the purchase of vaccines. President Vučić did not lead politics, but led the fight for the health and lives of the citizens of Serbia. He did not look at which vaccine it comes from, but whether it is safe or not, and it gave a great advantage to our citizens in relation to others – said Lončar.
