She pointed out that she was disciplined while she was being treated for the coronavirus, but also that we have to get used to living with the virus because we will all get it sooner or later.
– The problem is that for a long time, not only in the Institute of Oncology, but in general throughout Serbia, no one looked at the age of doctors who should work. Just a few years ago, we started talking about how many pediatricians there will be in five years when most of them retire, how many medical oncologists, radiation therapists there will be, said Dr. Danica Grujicic for the Belgrade Chronicle.
As stated in radiation oncology, they supported the doctors well, but the fact was pointed out by Grujicic, that the five current bosses will retire in almost a year in four years.
The oncology internal medicine specialization lasts five years, which means that, as Grujicic points out, the number of doctors must be expanded, especially as the number of patients receiving chemotherapy through a day hospital increases , which is a trend all over the world.
He stressed that in this way it was finally possible to have no more waiting lists for chemotherapy, and that colleagues were heavily in debt and made both administrative and physical efforts to prevent patients from waiting.
– But we were without five outstanding doctors in four years. Now we must think about educating the new young doctors on time and all Serbian health institutions must do so.
– I have always said that American doctors are not better than us because they are smarter, but only because they work harder – emphasized the director of the Institute of Oncology.
He added that it should become something common that, as he said, “if you have chosen medicine, your time belongs to the patient, especially if you have chosen surgery, oncology, you must be available to your patient.”
However, as he stated, that does not mean that doctors cannot have their own private life.
He also pointed out that we have great generations of young doctors who are now in tension, following the literature, and that they must be given the opportunity to master the delicacy of all in their work.
Crown experience and recommendations
– I had a mild clinical picture, one afternoon I had a fever. I had to isolate myself because of a colleague and a patient and I was very disciplined. I literally went to bed all the time according to the recommendations of the crisis headquarters, WHO, two grams of vitamin “C”, vitamin “D” and I took “diclofenac” twice a day because it helped me feel better – described his meeting with the crown Dra. Grujicic.
He also said that he did not take antibiotics and that it is not recommended to take antibiotics when you have such a mild clinical picture.
She also especially advised young people to “go to bed” as soon as they feel they are breaking, when they have that temperature of 37 with something, as she said, and to lie down and do not forget to call their GP .
– What’s the problem with Kovid? Systemic reaction, attack of practically every organ in the body and the problem of thromboembolic complications, so it is important to contact your doctor immediately and see if it is necessary to receive “fraxiparin” and something that dilutes your blood. And I think that was the biggest reason that a lot of young people ended up with a respirator, Grujicic thinks.

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He also recommends that the use of masks, mandatory hand hygiene and daily bathing are very important and that this is the standard.
Grujicic does not expect the third wave of the pandemic.
He does not expect us to have a third wave if we adhere to it, and he is happy to see that now, unlike May and June, more people are actually listening to the advice of crisis personnel.
– If we continue to behave like this in the next year, two, three days, the closeness between people will be lost. We are a people who like to hug, kiss, shake hands, must return. It remains to be seen if this will be achieved by receiving antiviral drugs, a vaccine, or if the infection will be such that no one will have any more symptoms, Grujić estimates.
He thinks that we have to resort to our warm relationships, both family and friends, because without that, he thinks that we are losing what is our social characteristic, which is a social being.
Grujicic also stressed that we have to get used to living with kovid because we will all catch it sooner or later.
– It is important to recognize the symptoms in time, listen to the recommendations to rest, absolutely limit any physical activity, it is an agent that systematically affects the human body. We must learn to live with kovid and listen to the experts – said Dr. Danica Grujicic.
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