We visit a new crossroads, people have already started to adapt quickly to the new change (VIDEO)



12.12.2020. 13:58 – 12.12.2020. 14:34

Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić hopes that the citizens of Belgrade will accept the way the crossroads will work and that this can be repeated in others as well.

Dom Omladine pedestrian crossing

Dom Omladine pedestrian crossing, Photo: Hello!

Like crossroads in the world like Tokyo or London, Belgrade now has its own thing. From now on, pedestrians will be able to cross the intersection in all directions, diagonally and in a straight line.

We walked around the new crossroads, people began to adapt very quickly to this change.

This will prevent any conflict between vehicles and pedestrians, said the deputy mayor of Belgrade.

Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić hopes that the citizens of Belgrade will accept the way the crossroads will work and that this will be repeated in others as well.

– We try to do what other capitals of the world do, when it comes to speeding up traffic. Belgrade is a metropolis and with its number of inhabitants, and even without a metro, there are certainly many problems in the operation of traffic – said Vesić.

– We will solve most of the problems when we build the metro and give priority to tram traffic, but until then we will try to introduce innovations in every way to improve traffic.

The city’s traffic secretary, Dušan Rafailović, said that the implementation of the new traffic regime at the intersection of Dečanska and Makedonska streets elevates traffic safety in that part of the city to a higher level.

– The analysis carried out by the Faculty of Transportation and the simulations that we carried out within the Ministry of Traffic showed that the level of service with this traffic regime also rises to a higher level. With the service C, which tended towards D, in the existing traffic regime, we obtained the service level C, which goes towards B, which practically means that we obtained an improvement in the traffic flow, and above all, we eliminated all the points of conflict between vehicles and pedestrians – said Rafailović.
