We unconditionally continue with the development of NIS


The second phase of modernization of the Pancevo Oil Refinery has been completed with the commissioning of the ecological plant “Duboka prerada”.

With this investment of 330 million euros, NIS has stopped producing dirty fuel oil and offers a greater quantity of quality derivatives to the regional market.

The majority owner of “Gazprom Neft” announces new investments in NIS.

We are unconditionally continuing the development of NIS. The deep processing project will not be the last. We are actively working on further modernization of the processing capabilities at the Pancevo refinery, we continue to invest in oil and gas exploration and production, retail and a very important development direction. The construction of a thermal power plant-heating plant, which will produce electricity and heat, is being completed right here, in the neighboring location, on the site of the Pančevo refinery. in cooperation with the company “Gazprom Energoholding”, notes Alexander Djukov.

Pamdemia has brought a global economic crisis, which is highly reflected in the work of oil, gas and energy companies, which post losses and lay off workers. Oil production and refining, and especially investments, are declining.

“When it comes to NIS, it is important to note that the company reacted to market developments with a lot of energy and on time, and this year, which is extremely difficult, NIS will end up with roughly the same volume of production as last year. , and when it comes to the turnover of petroleum products in the retail trade, it decreased only three percent compared to last year. This year there was a significant decrease in demand and turnover in retail, but this slight decrease indicates that we were able to even out the market effects. It is important that despite this situation, NIS managed to maintain the number of employees. There were no staff reductions at the company, “says Djukov.

The Russian oil sector, along with the oil exporting countries, members of OPEC, dictates the trends: the production and prices of black gold in the world. Kovid 19 has shaken the world stock markets and oil is in the price shake. The Russian oil giants are also suffering.

“Russia participated in new agreements within OPEC Plus and as a result of those agreements we reduced production. As a result of global events, we had a double blow for Russian companies: on the one hand there was a reduction in prices, on the other hand, We were forced to reduce production. However, Gazprom Neft is an example of efficiency in the market and not so long ago we summarized the results of the work of the nine months of this year. The important thing, unlike many other companies, we are in those nine months were profitable “, emphasizes Djukov.

“Gazprom Neft” became the majority owner of NIS in 2009. Today, NIS is one of the largest Serbian exporters and is the largest contributor to the Serbian budget.
