Podgorica – In Podgorica, a large protest was announced for tomorrow December 28 at 12 o’clock in front of the Parliament of Montenegro against the new government.
Source: RTCG

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The NGO Montenegro International announced that several dozen messages supporting the meeting had reached its email, reports RTCG.
The San Francisco-based Montenegrin Association of America, Blažo Sredanović, announced that he would send unreserved support to the protest against, as they say, “the shameful trade and treacherous policy of the new government.”
“That you have put underfoot the tradition, history, spiritual achievements and centuries-old cultural assets of our only state of Montenegro. We are ready to share our destiny with you, as our exemplary emigrants have done for centuries. Today, in this critical moment in history, Harmony, perseverance and unity are more necessary than ever, that our steps be firm as the ground on which we rise, to send from this dignified and civilized meeting to the world the message that we follow being the people who in the most difficult circumstances, preserved and preserved the state, freedom and That our Montenegro is part of an advanced civilization, a country that rejects hatred, humiliation and abuse of others, and especially the vassal relationship in which we are attracted by the current government with those who bled their hands in Srebrenica that the world will never forget, “he said. Sredanović.
He says that in the coming days “the smoke from the incense of Saint Sava, which concealed the true intention of this new government to turn the wheel of history back so that Montenegro would once again find itself in the bet of Serbian clergy-Nazi politics, will quickly dissipate. “.
“Today, Montenegro has no greater enemy in the world than the policy that the current government falsely promotes as universal human values, and it is about returning to medieval darkness,” Sredanović wrote.
Mihailo Mandić, Chairman of the Montenegrin Ethnic Community in Australia, pointed out that in difficult times when Montenegro was once again on the path of undermining foreign interests, it is everyone’s obligation to raise our voices and defend our homeland.
We hereby express our full support for the constant and peaceful protests of all Montenegrin citizens, regardless of their religion, until the newly elected government abandons the stage of ruling Montenegro under the laws of the Serbian Orthodox Church and places it within the framework legal of European and civilized Montenegro. eternal Montenegro! ”
Predrag Markovic, president of the “Montenegro Cetinje” Association in Los Angeles, USA, says resistance should be offered to those who do not like Montenegro.
“Brothers and sisters, Montenegrins, citizens of Montenegro, we call on everyone, regardless of their religion and nationality, to resist this government and all its services. All to Podgorica in front of the Assembly, on December 28 at 12 noon . Resistance to everything and everyone who does not love Montenegro as their homeland, as an eternal piece of freedom in the fight against internal and external enemies. Resistance to everything and everyone who does not see Montenegro as the only home without compromise, to all his sons and daughters, of any religion and nationality. Resistance to everything and all those who do not respect the history of Montenegro, do not respect its monasteries and churches, which it built and defended with pain and blood. Resistance to the occupants of the sanctuaries Montenegrins. We persevere to the end. Resistance to everything and anyone who endangers the security of their borders, their people and cultivates Nazi and fascist ideas and promotes them in Montenegro. Happy meeting of the people of Montenegro. That is the eternal faith, strength and love with which we protect, defend and love Montenegro ”, he stated.
Support also came from eMDe Alliance – Association of Montenegrin Associations in Germany.
“We did not intend to react in any way and give importance to this scam that you call the government of Montenegro, because it was not elected by its citizens but by a religious community … However, we believe that the support for this meeting, which will be held on December 28, is everyone’s obligation. of us, of all those who experience Montenegro as their only homeland, without any alternative. Based on what has been offered so far, and what we have seen and heard from them (the SOC Government), we realized that they were planning to baptize us all, impose another nation on us, abolish everything that is Montenegro and in the end we they deliver to various genocidal states, which have already oppressed us for a century, to crush us in a new attempt, ”his letter states, among other things.
Prof. re. South Carolina. Vanda Babić, Zadar, Croatia, Veljko Krstov Martinovic Montenegrin House in Barcelona, Radoš Dubljanić, New York USA, Vesko Karadžić, Ljiljana Krstović, Tatjana Kilibarda, members of the main board of the Canadian Montenegrin Association, Iva and Sasa Jovetić from London, Jagoda Trgoć, Ilija Kašćelan, Lidija Jelić (nee Sekulović) Ontario, from Canada, Lidija Kraljević, Katja Orovic from Sweden.
From New Zealand, the protest was also supported by Vukan Čavor with his family and many other Montenegrins from the diaspora around the world. Slavko Mrdovic, Switzerland, Ljubo Radovic, Croatian Montenegrin Alliance, Sanja Golubovic, Great Britain, Vera Jokic, The Netherlands, Milanka Moller, Rade Italia, Slavica Zugic, Esef Softic, Momcilo Cabarkapa, Nenad Radicevic, Zeljko Mrvosevic, Rada Ilic, Jeljko Mrvosevic, Rada Ilic, Jeljko Senic, Ljiljana Pavicevic, Duska Anderson, Janica Krackovic, Ljilja Krstovic, Dragan Bulatovic, Kemo Mulic, Zivko Matovic, Vesna Malovic, Dragan Pavicevic, Natasa Vehr, Zurich, Mladen Jovicevic, Dejan Keljanovic, Deni Koljenovic, Nenana Keljanovic, Deni Koljenovic, Nenana …