“We talk every two hours” Brnabić revealed how he reacted when Vučić invited him to be prime minister, and this is what they usually talk about today.


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić stated that she speaks with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić every two hours, both about the economy and the coronavirus situation.

She said that four years ago, she was surprised by Vučić’s invitation to be the prime minister.

– If someone had told me five years ago that I would be the Prime Minister of Serbia, I would have answered that it is impossible, unrealistic. However, Aleksandar Vučić’s invitation changed everything – said Brnabić in an interview for “Srpski Telegraf”, adding that she was the first in the family to work in the public sector and the first in politics.

Speaking of the opposition’s attacks and insults against her and her family, Brnabić says that what affects her the most is that no one reacts.

As she said, her position as Prime Minister and public figure stings in the eyes of many, but she must be much more open to criticism and insults than others.

– I regret that the red lines of decent behavior have been crossed in Serbia when families are attacked, first of all I mean the family of President Vučić who is the most attacked – said Brnabić adding that the opposition media crossed the line red.

As he explained, when Vučić and the SNS opposed, there were no attacks on families, nor was it known who their children, brothers or sisters were.

– Unfortunately, the opposition, which has nothing to complain about our work, crosses those red lines, attacks families and that is a bad thing – said Brnabić.
