We see her in sneakers for the first time! He wears a mask and keeps his distance KURIR TV


The Minister of Labor, Employment and Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, recently made daily purchases in a Belgrade store, respecting all epidemiological measures.

Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Paparazzo
photo: Courier

Of that the paparazzi Kurira was convinced, who took a photo of the minister pushing a cart in the store of a well-known chain and slowly carrying the purchase from one shelf to another. The minister, obviously after the end of the working day, in a relaxed edition, in pants and slippers, with a mask on her face, walked the store respecting the prescribed distance in relation to other customers, as well as the employees of that facility .

Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Paparazzo
photo: Courier

At the cash register, she waited for the man to finish packing and paying before her, and only then did she put down her things and after paying her typed bill with a card, without cash, as recommended.

Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Paparazzo
photo: Courier

Unlike some officials and public figures, who do not dare to publicly violate the prescribed measures, Minister Kisić Tepavčević is a shining example of how to behave in the current epidemiological situation. At the same time, she performed her private duties alone without security, since then some other officials never part.

We did not receive a comment from the Minister on this occasion yesterday.

Kurir.rs/Ivana Žigić Photo:

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
