“We resist the first attack, we have not yet won the battle” VIDEO


The director of the WHO Office in Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, said that due to arrivals from abroad, more than five percent of people were in contact with kovid-19.

Source: Tanjug, first

Photo: Printskrin / TV Prva

Photo: Printskrin / TV Prva

He said that the majority of the population in Serbia is susceptible to the coronavirus.

Ivanuša told TV Prva that he expected about 350,000 people to have had contact with the virus, stating that he did not dare to say that the number was up to 700,000, noting that the virus could return at any time.

“The first wave has not ended, it started towards the end, but it has not ended. We won that first attack, but we did not win the first battle and that is why we must be careful and maintain physical distance, wash our hands, wear masks when enter cafes, public transport … “, declared Ivanuša.

He reminded all citizens that the further development of the epidemiological situation depends on how we will behave as a society, to what extent we will avoid transmission of the virus, and that the result also depends on how the virus will behave.

Ivanuša stated that the WHO believes that Kovid-19 originated naturally, since influenza viruses, he adds, change every few years, so a new virus appears.

“It is important to us that in this phase of the epidemic, our focus is entirely on what measures to apply and how to help countries implement those measures,” he said.

He notes that some clinical trials are underway, and that he does not believe the vaccine will be available by the end of this year, saying it will be excellent if it is available for mass vaccination early next year.
